DBMG Technologies
Charged my credit card more than what they were suppose to several times!


This company is not professional at all! I called this company several times for services and got over charged. I bought a 10 min call which is according to their website 21.90 and somhow got charged over 40 dollars every time I called. I had called about 5 times that month and was over charged by more than 100 dollars. I called the line about it to get it fixed and they told me that I would be receiving a cal from the owner. A gal called me saying her name was annabelle and then saying her name was brandi telling me that I bought 20 mins each time I called, used 20 mins, and she wasn't going to give me a refund because of I had "buyers remorse" as she calls it. I wasn't asking for a refund of all my money, just the money that I was over charged. She was very rude about it, telling me that she had reports saying that I asked for the 20 mins and used all 20 mins each time I called, when I tried to tell her I didn't and tell her to give me the money back that was over charged she refused. I charged back the money because she refused to give me a refund of the money that was over charged and then the next thing I know I call another service and they say that the owner of dbmg technologies has blocked me and sent my name/address/phone number / and credit card information to all the other phone companies out there. So now I can't use any service. I did a search on the company in google and found this website with a girl who had cmoplained about the company not paying her so I thought I would go ahead and make a report to. It's not worth calling this company, it just isn't. They are rude when they are the ones making the mistake and they don't correct it. When I had to charge back the money that was over charged I was the one who paid for it in the end with everyone in the business knowing my name and information. They even called and talked to my wife. This company states that they are discrete but they are not discrete at all, now my wife knows about it, and so does every other phone company out there and probably their employees as well.

Company: DBMG Technologies
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Site: www.phonesexsuperstars.com
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DBMG Technologies
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