Discover Enterprises
Using lies and fraud to trick innocent people


I received a call from this company stating that my credit card had been used by accident to sign up for some promotions offered by their company. This agent, Arron Butler, claimed he was a supervisor and was giving me a courtesy call in order to get the charges stopped before they reached my account. He told me it gets hectic in this telemarketing environment and the agent that was at fault was to go back into training. As a token of their apology for this inconvienence, they were to send me a letter along with several gift cards.

What ended up happening was that I got tricked into enrolling into these programs myself. He told me I needed to verify that I wanted to cancel, when in fact I was signing up. They only recorded portions of the conversation, not all of the fraudulent things he said to mislead me.
After I did not receive a letter or gift cards, I spoke with my bank to see if I had any charges. I did not know how there could be since I never gave them my credit card number. Somehow this person had my name, phone number and credit card number without me giving him any of it.

I then recieved the membership packages in the mail, which I called and cancelled immediately, however I was told I could not recover the shipping and handling charges. I spoke with someone at the company and told them of the deplorable actions of their employee Arron Butler. The agent I spoke with had received other calls about him and he was reported to management. But she was afraid I could not get those charges credited back to me.

BE AWARE of this company, do not even listen if they call you. If they are employing people like Arron Butler they must be criminals. He probably learned this sales technique from this company.

Quincy, Illinois

Company: Discover Enterprises
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oakley
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Aaron's Sales And Lease
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AOL Travelers Advantage, Trilegiant Corporation
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American Leisure And Easy Saver
Or More This "Company" billing my credit card even after I told them-cancel my "subscription" I never signed up for at all

AP9 Credit Diagnosis
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I'm Having Problems with AP9, too

First Capital Consumers
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Discover Enterprise
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Charged me after they claimed I don't have an account!

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