Shopping Essentials
Aka Privacy Matters Consumer Fraud Connecticut


I noticed $19.95 being automatically withdrawn from my checking account. They somehow got my Credit card number in the process of me signing up for I did not know what these charges were for. When I called and talked to a representative they said they would credit the charges. The representative I spoke to told me I clicked on something that said 7 day free trial... Then the Charges started appearing on my bank statement for December and Jan. They take it out at the beginning week so you are unaware unless you check your bank regularly, until you get a statement. I had no clue what this company is.

The representative I spoke to proceeded to get more personal information from me... They did not know my email and I refused to give them my address when they tried to drag it out of me. I said "You are charging my account and you don't even know my physical address or my name? Now, unfortunately they found out my name and some other things for their file. I need to call my bank right now and notify them.

I have no recollection of signing up for any 7 day free trial. How were they able t access my credit information is beyond me!

Company: Shopping Essentials
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8889990564
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Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized charges

Shopping Essentials
Don't let them get away with this—complain, complain, complain

Shopping Essentials
Fraud charges

Unite Benefit Advantage
HUGE Scam, check your monthly bank statement!

They billed my credit card for $49.95. The trial offer said $1.95 for 21 days. I was billed in one day ripoff las vegas, nevada

VitaCost, Shopping Essentials
VitaCost/Shopping Essentials VitaCost "free shipping" shares credit info for fraudulent charges

Shopping Essentials
Update fraudulant charges from Shopping Essentials

Privacy Matters - Experian - PrivacyMatters
Privacy Matters ripoff Experian's website automatically enrolled with a company called Privacy Matters they continued to take the money out of my checking account
Shopping Made unauthorized charges on my credit card!

AP9*Privacy Matters
Privacy MattersAP9