Grant County Prosecutor Eddy R. Easley
Corruption & the Good Ol' Boy system at work Sheridan


Back almost 20 years ago Eddy R. Easley was in private practice as an attorney in Sheridan Arkansas, "Grant Co".. He was hired to represent a young man accused of a sexual assault on a young female. During the process of Trial he requested that the young man be given an in depth 30 day in house psychological evaluation. After the evaluation when he took the young man back to court He told the young mans handicapped mother that there was nothing he could do for the boy that he needed to plead guilty and accept 5 years probation and a float out of state and at the end of the probation the young mans record would be cleared. Well the young man denied ever committing the offence but his mother forced him to take the plea. So, after pleading guilty to the charge the judge asked the young man in court "you do realize the report came back in your favor and that is stated with your mentality you could not have committed this offence" this the Attorney never informed his client of or minor clients family. So now having plead Guilty for something he did not do the boy left Arkansas to live in Michigan.
Then after almost 2 1/2 (two and a half) years the boy came back to Sheridan Arkansas "Grant Co." on a probation travel pass at the age of 17 wanting to go into the U.S. Army but in order for him to do this he had to have his record clean. So, he and his family went to see Attorney Eddy Easley again and Eddy told him he could get his probation cut, record cleaned and expunged for him. But for him to do this he would have to check with the probation people in Michigan and verify that he had followed all of the probation stipulations as well as remained there with out any problems, then if all that checked out he would have to have proof of entrance into the military as well as know when he was leaving. Stating the judge would not cut someone's probation early without this information.

So, a week passed and Mr. Easley had spoken to the young mans probation officer and received copies of his probation record in Michigan mentioning to the young man how strict probation was in Michigan for sexual offences having to report to the probation office twice a week with in home random checks as well as school reports. At this point Mr. Easley asked if the young man had spoken to a recruiter and the young man gave Mr. Easley the recruiter's name and phone number. So, Mr. Easley contacted the recruiter and verified all the details as to where the young man would be going when he would be shipped out as well as where he would be stationed. He then took all of this information to the Grant county Circuit court and the court did in fact cut this young mans probation as well as seal his juvenile record, and the young man left into the military.
Upon completing all of his training he returned back to Sheridan to visit his family, and stopped by the local police Department to let them know he was in town and would only be there a few days to visit. When he stopped in the then chief of police David Hooks currently indicted on criminal charges himself yet still justice of the piece in Grant County asked him to come back later to inform the (then) Sheriff Bob Adams, stating that the Sheriff would be back around 3 P.M. So he did as he was asked.

He shows up at 3 P.M. And is greeted by then Sheriff Bob Adams and a Detective by the name of Kent Williams. They asked him to step inside the Detectives office or a moment citing they had some questions for him so he complied. During this time there was no tape recorder running and no video recording they sat him down in what looked like a school desk the old kind with the desk connected to the chair and proceeded to inform him that he was under investigation for 5 rape charges from 5 different females. The young man was blown away not knowing what to say. He had informed them of where he had been and the sheriff just kept scribbling down on a piece of paper something he had assumed was notes. The sheriff didn't seem to miss a beat between him and the Detective playing what seemed like a very bad reproduction of good cop bad cop, after several hours of the young man voicing his innocents the sheriff slammed the paper down in front of the young man on the desk and demanded he sign it. The man read what was written and refused to sign a confession to crimes he had not committed. So the Detective jerked him out of the desk and being a VERY large man held the young man up with his arms bound up behind him while the Sheriff beat the young man about the body until he agreed to sign the paper. After which time they took the young man to the Sheriffs Department and held him, there over night until the next day when he was allowed to make a phone call.

Once he was allowed to make a call he contacted his father and his father went to go get Mr. Easley. Mr. Easley met with the young man and his father about the charges since Mr. Easley knew first hand that the young man had been out of state when the alleged offences were to of occurred. However, Eddy Easley refused to take the case or say anything because of a conflict of interest which he claimed he had since one of the females accusing the young man was some how affiliated with his family.
The young man was housed in a separate county for most of the time until released on bond. He had informed the court appointed attorney of the previous conviction as well as of the Psych evaluation to which the then Prosecutor of that county Dan Harmon (now convicted of corruption) and Harold King denied existed since it was a part of a sealed record it could not be verified. So the young man is eventually convicted of 5 counts of rape and sentenced to Life 80 (eighty) years.By a jury of twelve local people all of whom raised their hands when asked if they knew either the alleged victims or their families, but none knew the young man. On testimony that ranged over a period of time that four (4) of the five (5) offences the young man was stationed in Ft. Benning, Basic training and A.I.T. (which any who has previous service experiences knows you do not leave without being A.W.O.L. Or Documented for time lost, and is highly supervised) and to one (1) count that allegedly occurred while the young man was on supervised probation in Michigan. With no physical evidence only the words of the girls who were all friends. One of which was the Daughter of a Sheriff's Deputy. The Life eighty year sentence was over turned after a year and then he was brought back before that same court. At this time he was given an option either take 20 years for everything or he would be guaranteed 5 life sentences if taken to trial. Under the advice of his counsel that he could fight this later and being informed that there would be no change of venue he took the 20 years. Still Mr. Eddy R. Easley who was still in private practice said nothing even after he knew that the girls had perjured themselves.
Now 17 years later the young man is still trying to clear his name, The man is now 33 years old and Mr. Easley is the head prosecutor for Grant county as well as Hot Springs County. When the mans Attorney got a certified copy of the mans military record showing his whereabouts he spoke to Mr. Easley about rectifying the wrongful conviction Mr. Easley's words at first were, Tell the man this is nothing personal but I am an elected official and there is no president that says I have to do this. Wanting to cover his own butt for political reasons, however, he did finally acknowledge to the attorney that there was in fact a psychological evaluation in favor of the man that could have been used in his initial trial as it was in the favor of the man.

So, the mans attorney filed a motion with Grant County court under a writ of error corum nobis, which states that there was not only evidence withheld by the then prosecution but also citing the Certified copy of the military record as proof of the mans whereabouts, further evidence the man now has is recorded phone conversations the man himself had and recorded with former Governor and presidential nominee Mike Huckabee's Director of research for his campaign as well as current Senator Blanch Lincoln's Military Liaison who both have contacted the military themselves and verified that the man was in fact out of the state in the military during those times, and had acknowledged as much to the man. Mr. Easley responded to the motion to dismiss by (DENIYING) that any evaluation existed or that any of the facts mention were truth and went further to accuse the man of another crime committed by another man of the same name but three (3) years younger and of different ethnicity in a different county. Now, Mr. Eddy R. Easley tell the mans attorney well if you get the alleged victims to agree to this he will also agree because he has to take care of his constituents. Although, not being an attorney myself, I know that in Arkansas Prosecutors have to follow the same rules of professional conduct as are stated in the American Bar Association (ABA) rule model 3.8 (for anyone interested in looking for themselves) which clearly states in sections (g) and (h) and I quote.
(g) When a prosecutor knows of new, credible and material evidence creating a reasonable likelihood that a convicted defendant did not commit an offense of which the defendant was convicted, the prosecutor shall:
(1) promptly disclose that evidence to an appropriate court or authority, and
(2) if the conviction was obtained in the prosecutor's jurisdiction,
(i) promptly disclose that evidence to the defendant unless a court authorizes delay, and
(ii) undertake further investigation, or make reasonable efforts to cause an investigation, to determine whether the defendant was convicted of an offense that the defendant did not commit.
(h) When a prosecutor knows of clear and convincing evidence establishing that a defendant in the prosecutor's jurisdiction was convicted of an offense that the defendant did not commit, the prosecutor shall seek to remedy the conviction.
End quote

Now, since he represented the man himself on the juvenile offence requesting the psychological evaluation for the juvenile offence and knew it was in the mans favor. Mr. Easley also spoke to the then young mans probation officer in Michigan and had verified copies of the mans probation reports knowing he was not in the state, as well as knowing when the young man left to enter the Army. You would think he was OBLIGATED to do what is right and assist the young man's attorney himself in clearing the record.instead of filing a motion to dismiss mans claim and in the dismissal DENYING the facts of evidence exist even though they are all part of the record, though be the record is sealed. So, one has to wonder is he trying to cover for himself and his shady ethical practices of not coming forward with the truth as an officer of the court, or are his constituents the conflict of interest he knew was committing perjury meaning one of the girls that accused the young man and the over zealous (current) chief of police who beat the young man into signing a confession he himself as then Sheriff wrote. Claiming the young man requested I write it since his hand writing was not very good.

So, I have to ask where is the Justice? No one seems to care about this but it is costing this man ALOT including his rights to liberty and freedom as well as the every day abilities that most take for granted not to mention being labled as a monste

Company: Grant County Prosecutor Eddy R. Easley
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Malvern
Address: 215 East Highland
Phone: 8709427799
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