Target shoppers beware


Target shoppers beware i hope everyone has happy holidays but understand target has attempted to ruin my wife's health and our financial well being. They have failed to do so despite the pain my wife has endured since she fell in target. Target was at fault for the fall but they withheld all evidence and had their employees to lie on their depositions. We believe our attorney received compensation from target since robert eglet (our attorney) could not have done a better job to win the case for target had he been target's lawyer. Considering the daily pain my wife is in my sole purpose to make the target corporation suffer by asking everybody to avoid shopping at target like the plague. The only way target can suffer as much as my wife is i was able to help them go under. We need your help to succeed!

Anyone having a similar fate or would like to know more e-mail me

The attorney firm is Mainor, Eglet & Cottle and Robert Eglet specifically. The reason I am so adamant about this is my wife of over 30 years has been robbed of her excellent quality of life instead having to live in pain the rest of her life and Target the culprit, then doing everything possible to keep her in that state. Target paid only one visit to QUIK-CARE yet Sue having knee surgery and major back surgery causing her to be 26% disabled according to a Diplomat for the Board of Medical Examiners of the U.S. Failure by Target or Mr Eglet to refute or respond to my statements and accusations shows their guilt so AVOID TARGET.

Company: Target
Country: USA
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Mainor&eglet target
On February 2nd 2009 a restraining order was imposed on me by Robert Eglet and his law firm for me telling the truth about the law firms actions in case (03A469413). He was able to get Judge Zimmerma target ripped us off

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