American Values, Wellnet America
American Values AKA Wellnet America rip-off Experts in Fraud Un-ethical business Practices


One day I received a Tele Marketing Call from "American Values" claiming Free Gas, Discounts in major Stores, Free Movies etc. They said I was randomly selected as special customer and for a one time payment of 5$, I can avail the above facilities. The caller also enquired about my nationality and befriended me saying he is of same nationality. He muted and skipped the major portion of the membership rules and charges inforamation claiming that those rules/charges are not applicable to me as I am a special customer. I somehow got carried away and agreed to take their trail membership at 5$.

When I received their membership rules and charges information I realised I was cheated and imediately called their customer support and asked to Cancel my membership and was told my membership was canceled and no charges will be deducted from my credit card.

To my horror When I saw my next bank statement, I saw multiple charges on my credit card by "American values" "Wellnet America" to the tune of 150$. There are also un authorised deductions to the tune of 55$ on my credit card by "UTALK" "ABG Home Value Club (Tel: 877 479 3947)" and "Auto Gaurd Plus". When I tried to contact those by Phone, I realised that most of those Nos. Are un obtainable. So I requested my Bank to Un authorise these transactions.

I also came to know that these companies change their names and addres, Tel nos, to escape detection. They also change their monthly chrges by Penny to escape un-authorisation by Banks.

I strongly suspect "American Values" fradulently given my Credit card No. And Personal details to "UTALK" "ABG Home Value Club" "Auto Gaurd Plus" etc. And these companise illegally used this information w/o my consent

Stil I am receiving Telemraketing calls and Membership cards cards with out my consent from similar companise. Learned a lesson not to beleive these Telemarketing Frauds.

My advise to consumers: Never ever give your Credit card # over Tel Phone. Learn to Tell No to these offers and Hang up. Demand the person to send all the information on paper by post. Demand him to remove the No from his Calling list.

Company: American Values, Wellnet America
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2753 S. Highland Dr. #1004
Phone: 8008069273
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American Values/WellNet
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