Global Incorporated - Global Expectations
Long hours, false hopes, surrounded by morons


Global Incorporated is a Cydcor company. Type cydcor in the search bar for more on the parent company. On the first interview you will interview with the President, who is a successful intelligent person. The second interview will be out in the field with the top performing rep from that week. You will be interviewed by someone who has no formal training or experience in human resources. They will make the job sound appealing by throwing out the advancement tiers which have you making 120k in 12 months!

When you get the job (because everyone gets hired, because they are starving for employees), you will get dressed up in business professional clothes and play games for 2 hours on your feet with a bunch of hustlers. The meetings revolve around brain washing you that salaried positions with fortune 500 companies are pathetic. The average age of the employees is around 22 and rarely does anyone with a real degree take this job or if they do they quit soon after. After practice pitching you hit the field, which can be any territory in Atlanta, thats right, up to 20 miles away! You will spend many hours out in the field selling a recurring revenue product (at&t, natural gas, or security systems) that is far overpriced to customers. Where does this 'selling' occur? At people's front doors. That's right, you go knock on 40 doors and harass people to buy from you. You are responsible for your own meals, gas, depreciation on your car, mileage and most importantly pride.
At the end of a long lonely day in the cold, rain or heat you drive back to the office and ring a bell and pretend to be happy and excited. Your day isnt over yet. You have to stay an extra 45 minutes and plan games for the employees to do each day they come to work.

That is a typical day. If you are reading this because you have interviewed with them, keep putting your resume out there. You can get better entry level jobs with real benefits and a salary. If you have any bills to pay (mortgage. Rent, car payment, etc) I wouldn't take this job. The products are too expensive to be appealing to customers and the commissions will not pay your bills. Bottom line this is a 100 percent commission job where you harass at least 40 people at their home everyday all day. Take your resume and pride to a fortune 1000 company where their is a salary, benefits and a place to build your resume.

Company: Global Incorporated - Global Expectations
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 6784260404
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