Amazon Marketplace
Steals Money, Steals Merchandise & Keeps Fees


I sold an original Garmin maps software DVD item on Amazon Marketplace for less than half price.
Seller wanted it A.S.A.P.
Delivered before deadline.
There was a licensing code issue that was cleared up and
buyer stated that the issue was resolved in feedback.
All of this happened within one week.
I get an email from amazon stating an A-Z claim
They can't find me response. Don't think it would matter anyways.
The buyer was out of the U.S.A. Using a U.S. Mailing address.
Amazon decides they can't contact me.
I have had a buyer account for years. It's attached to my seller account. They have my name, address, phone, email and account information. They say they can't or don't manage to contact me. What?
Now they make the decision to keep my money, keep my fees and keep my original Garmin maps DVD software.
After the buy has posted that the issue is resolved in their feedback.
Amazon ignores my emails. Threatens to close my account. Keeps my money and my merchandise.
This is plain theft.
Does Jeff Bezos Amazon C.E.O. Have any idea his employees are stealing from its sellers?
The sellers are where his money comes from.
It's not just the money. It was only about $50.00.
In today's economy every little bit helps, that's why I started selling there.
It's when you multiply that times all the sellers.
I am going to go to great lengths to get this issue resolved.
No matter how far I have to go.
Even if I have to go to Seattle and talk to Jeff in person.
They even had the nerve to out my seller account on hold for selling too much so they said. That was even before the DVD issue.
That was cleared up after extensive emailing back and forth with no name and no number or accountability from anyone.
Just anonymous emails.
What is going on in the Amazon community?
Are they going bankrupt also?
If so I will be taking all my listings down before the holidays because this will be a nightmare if it's allowed to continue on.

Company: Amazon Marketplace
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Address: 605 5th Ave. S
Phone: 2063828033
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Amazon Marketplace
Amazon Marketplace Policies Make Sellers Succeptible to Fraud

Amazon Marketplace
Sellers Market BEWARE!
Seller: Andrew Galeucia Scam's you with a fake escrow account with Amazon
Non-Existent Customer Service
Amazon suspended my seller account unfairly
Consumer Report

Amazon Marketplace
Takes seller money and illegally holds it without cause

Ripping off sellers! Withholds Funds to Seller. Unethical Practices
They do not care about sellers