Waffle House
Many reasons why we should not patronize Waffle House in ANY city


Southern Waffle House purchased the Nashville based franchise from Tree Top Group in 1999 by the Shaub family and have grown the business now to 113 stores. Those of us who grew up with Waffle House (from the 1950's) know that WH is a legend in their own time, and we know and appreciate what we have had over years. SE WH recently chose Chapter 11 bankruptcy to cure their problems and now it appears their are other, more malicious events including check kitting, embezzlement of company funds, numerous harrassment charges by employees, poor hiring practices, unclean/unsafe food preparation, taking advantage of new employees, rampant stealing by employees and management, drug use by employees including sales in their bathrooms and this can go on and on. Numerous calls and written complaints to corporate management in Georgia brings nothing and the local store is informed and the complainer questioned by store management, in one case told to not come back to the store solely on the basis of a justified complaint.
This WH franchisee will hire anyone based upon their ability to breathe and to sometimes wash their hands. They hire druggies, common criminals, major criminals who are not screened for the protection of their customers sake, active and ex prostitutes, barmaids who have been run out of the liquor business. They go out to the truckstops and pickup "pavement princesses" to act as waitresses, hire them THEN ignore the stealing, shortchanging customers, etc.
After nearly 50 years of patronizaing WH, locally in Nashville and traveling the southeast, we will not grace the foyer of any of these hashhouses again. Hash used to mean a food substance now it appears as an illegal substance. Unforgiveable, not worth your money, your self esteem or your time to support. These are trash houses serving food not fit for humans OR animals and they need to close... Starting with SE Waffle based in Nashville and regionally with their 113 stores. Garbage merchants...

Company: Waffle House
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: Metroplex Drive
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Waffle House
Terrible experience

Waffle House
Ripoff abused & mistreated

Waffle House
Blount County, Tennessee, Poor Service, Poor Management, Bugs crawling everywhere ripoff

Waffle House
When will they learn

Waffle House
Ripoff nasty managment or lack of

Southeast Waffle
Managers Compensation Package

Waffle House
Who is really in charge at the Dickerson road Waffle House

Waffle House
Rude & Unfair Management

Waffle House
Unfair no hire list

Waffle House
When bad employees run off good customers