Waffle House
Who is really in charge at the Dickerson road Waffle House

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

That has always been the question. Myself and other customers think it must be some of the waitress staff. And why do we think this? Well let's see.

1. They can lie about customers to get them kicked out, and the so called management won't check out their story.

2. They can call police on customers, and call the 800 number and lie about customers. The so called management say that they can't do anything about this. That is because they don't have the courage to, or the backbone.

3. They can still cuss the customers that have been going in there for 25 years, and this includes their wives.

The management's response to this is we wrote her up. Big deal. It is still going on. Lewis said he did not know it was still going on. Yet he has been told by other customers. His response is he will take care of it.

This has been going on for many months. What happened to one more time? I think they are scared.

So, the question to Burt Thornton is this.

1. Why will you not have a meeting with myself, Billy Gann, and other customers?

2. Why are you allowing your upper management to take the word of a waitress that has been caught stealing your money, and lying about customers. She has lied about her health to get people to feel sorry for her, and to keep her job. Myself, and Billy had a meeting with Ken and Mark. Billy told them then and has told Lewis and Mark since that she was lying, and that I did nothing wrong. That the reason she was mad was that when we were asked we told who was not writing tickets.in short, we were cutting into her money.

3. Why are you allowing your server staff to pick and choose who they wait on.in regards to if they like them, who they talk to, or what race they are. That's right. What race they are. You have a black waiter who does not want to wait on the white customers. You have a white waitress that does not want to wait on white customers. The black waiter does not even want to work with certain white waitresses, and has said so on the floor.in front of customers. To the waitress, and the management won't do anything. He even talks about her apperance. Not a thing done about it.

4. Why is your store manager, Lewis allowed to call a waitress a racist, and he is a manager. The thing is the waitress he called a racist has a mixed baby. I do believe he has been smoking to many waffles. Mabey that is why he can't or won't do anything about the other racism. Both of the waitresses have, or are in the process of going to different Waffle House's. So much for Waffle house rules.

So to close, it has not changed. Your waitress is still supporting whatever habit she is supporting by not writing tickets. Your manager, and division manager are still afraid to send in secret shoppers.By the way. A secret shopper is not a manager from a different store dressed in a Waffle House uniform. That's like sending a cop to buy drugs in uniform while driving a police car with the lights on.

Alan *

Company: Waffle House
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: Dickerson Road
Phone: 6152289008
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