Mary Shannon McClure, Shan, Shanita, Bisy
Shan McClure-Smart Active home violator and racist murdere


This utter peice of vanity and opportunistic wickedness is being used to violate homes, businesses and families for control and profit taken by exploiting and violating men and profiting from what they are/may have been spiritually.

Control, overt mental destruction, divisive racism. Religion and particularly Christianity was an excuse for character assasination and sadistic social climbing.

This self-professed bitch actually called me and asked four very quick questions because she was told this is how to destroy Jewish minds.

Plays the "I love Jesus and love is the most important thing..." routine and then slaps you across the face if you happen to disagree with her juvenile, controlling and grabby temperament.

Clearly and surely an utter rube, a social denouement, a boring moron, a terrible, and I do mean really bad as in avoid at all costs lay - she'll deliberately give you a dose of herpes if she can. Fully infected, head to toe.

This remains an absolute and surely mind-destroying and illegal home violating murderess, despite any indication to the contrary, including professional training. You REALLY give love a bad name.

I wish to God and archangels that I have never had any contact with this father-defiling daughter and her family. Part of the reason remains socially justifying what surely would have been a doughty pork-eating carnivorous rube without the graciousness and kindness of my family.

The kind of person to whom it is truly written, a little education and idiomatic allegence can be a very, very bad and evil thing. Utterly feckless evil; will make sure someone else can violently hurt (both emotionally and physically if at all possible) you to justify her need for control and recognition and playing savant. A classic American intellectually inbred fantasizing carnivorous murdering moron. Truly relentless, unrepentant and unsubtle.

Keep any and all children away from this evil and wickedly used female. Animal abuse, civil rights violators, racists, organized crime, abusive children and parents, bigamists, liars, rotten neighbors and sex offenders... Mary Shannon McClure, a dishonor to the University of Arizona, Pomona College, Hogan's School of Real Estate and a UC law school, belonged under any of these categories. And no, this really did not in her case mean she wanted to live, if you employ that type of logic... It meant that she was a fascile programmed and unkind, reactionary feckless rube that could be routinely manipulated to do evil against those who were outstanding.

And remember and know surely and truly: In these generations of capitalist supporting, war-goading evil, it is not those who give lip service to love, not those who attend endlessly compromised and compromising churches that are really God's, but those with the intelligence and true kindness to really do what is right who even only have the chance of true love... God's and anybody else's.

Company: Mary Shannon McClure, Shan, Shanita, Bisy
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 2039 East Juanita
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