Portfolio Recovery Associates
Makes harassing calls TWENTY YEARS after discharge of a debt!


My father and I have the same first name. For months & months there have been called placed to a house my parents own in California, asking for someone with our first name. When my mother finally took one of the calls, it turned out to be Portfolio. They were trying to collect from Me, but on debts that were not only discharged in bankruptcy, but were from TWENTY Years ago.

"Nikki" effectively bawled my mother out for not being willing to release current information on me. When told I hadn't been at that number for years, the woman then yelled at my mother saying "Why didn't they tell me he doesn't live there?"

Obviously these people are nothing but bottom-feeders, hoping to scare or extort someone into paying them to go away. So, if you have call blocking, every time these folks call, block that number, the next one & every one after that.

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: 120 Corporate Boulevard
Phone: 8669090529
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
Bottom Feeders - Portfolio Recovery Associates

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Looks like I'm in for it now!

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Portfolio Recovery Associates Portfolio Recovery is trying to collect on a debt that a) I never had, and b) is from 1998. Lots of phone calls! Ripoff

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Portfolio Recovery Services Harassing phone calls

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Calling my parent about a supposed debt I owe

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Portfolio is trying to collect a debt I don't owe!

Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc
Portfolio Recovery Inc., Portfolio Recovery Inc. Attempt to collect non-existing debt

Portfolio Recovery Associates - Collection Agency
Portfolio recovery associates calling, calling, calling 5 or more times a day

Portfolio Recovery Associates
No scruples, no ethics, no honesty

Portfolio Recovery Associates
9 year old debt, charged off but trying to collect.internet