Indian Valley Kennels Carla Ferrier Owner/Breeder
Sold puppy with multiple undesirable traits. Refused to provide "lifetime of support to each new family"


Purchased 8 week old puppy advertised as a "wonderful family companion" "stable" "trainable" Bred to have a wonderful temperment. States she uses "early neurological stimulation" and temperment testing to ENSURE a good match with adoptive owners.

Puppy arrived extremely timid with submissive urination. Not the "cuddly" puppy she described. Cried, whined, and howled, found to have a bladder infection. Submissive urination continues after treatment of bladder infection. Crying, whining, and howling improved with treatment of bladder infection but did not abate completely.

Bit new owner without cause drawing blood twice. Fights lease. Soils in house even when gated areas used. Soils kennel even when appropriate walks to appropriate area provided. Frequently snaps with potential biting behavior shown. Unable to contain inside 6 foot tall fenced yard.

Behavior goes from extremely timid to agressive. Unable to predict behavior.

Had puppy evaluated by professional trainer. Trainer found puppy not fit for a family dog related to the above cited behaviors. Puppy attempted to bite trainer. Trainer also questioned the dog as having more wolf charactristics then he should show.

Contacted breeder, Carla Ferrier who would not take the dog back, stated she couldn't place him in another home due to his behaviors yet she placed him in our home and all these behaviors were present the day he arrived in our home.

We paid a lot of money for this dog and trusted in Carla's descriptions of what type of pet he would be. She didn't even offer any kind of refund or the fee to have our beloved pet euthanized. His behavior is not from lack of or over training as she wants to point her finger at but either from his breeding or experiences prior to coming to our home.

Our happy anticipation for another dog member to our home has turned into an expensive nightmare.

Company: Indian Valley Kennels Carla Ferrier Owner/Breeder
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Glade Hill
Address: 430 Brooks Lane Glade Hill VA 24092
Phone: 5404899900
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