EZ Saver
This co. Took $14.95 out of my checking account without permission


This co. EZ Saver has taken $14.95 out of my checking account without my permission. It might not be a large sum but that is not the point! I have a partial phone no. Of 888-595 and that's it. I want to be reimbursed & I want this stopped!

Company: EZ Saver
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Easy Saver
I am charged 14.95 a month by Easy Saver. I do not know how they received my account information. I do not remember ever signing up for Easy Saver

Easy Saver, Easy Saver
Unathorized Charges

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charge by Easy Save

Easy Saver
Unauthorized Charges!

Easy Saver, Bargain.com
Took money from my checking account without permission

Hartford Auto Club, Minute Mega Saver
Hartford Auto Club & Minute Mega Saver Fraudulant is a rip-off, they Stole Checking Account Information & made Several unauthorized debits

Minute Mega Saver
Ripoff victimized many consumers

Premium Mega Saver
Rip-off consumer fraud ripoff

EZ Saver
Unauthorized Billing

Easy Saver
Unauthorized Charges