Gds Express
Never pay Akron


I was a independant contractor for this company we decided to quit they got us a load to drop in joplin wher they had another truck pick it up and take it to ca. They had 1000.00 in a bond and 3 loads we pulled for them prior i know they had 45 days to settle up with me on the bond but they have yet settled with me when i call they put me on hold and never come back they wont or havent even sent me a settlement sheet showing anything its been 90 day now no change i figure they owe me 4500.00 then to top it all off they put abandment on my record when they set every thing up so if you thinking of working for them think hard they are bottom feeders

Company: Gds Express
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Akoin
Address: 1270 Hilbish Ave
Phone: 8007826038
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Baker Truck Brokerage, Inc
Joe Baker is telling lies and not paying $149290.00 to our company for the freight we hauled for him

G Diamond Transport
Named me as a thief on DAC services report, Ive never stolen anthing!

Cr England
They lied on my dac say i abandoned my truck

Crst malone
Crst expidited, crst, crst, van expidited drivers beware! They lease you a truck&tell you that you can use any source for a load thats a lie. 1 load a week if your lucky, but you still owe, owe, owe and wont let you go home. Just enough fuel

Covenant Transport
They Lie to their drivers and do not refund money to the drivers ripoff

A.A.R. Construction - Adrian Rizzo
A.A.R. Construction is a fraud and should be avoided!

United Express
United Transportation Rip Off wont pay for loads delivered lied about loads available

Texas International Express

Marten transport
Pay was there and so were the miles the only thing i didn't like

Hoosier Tradewinds Uses Drivers, Claims to be a Christian company them out right lies to you