Joe Arpaio
Abusive horrific treatment by joe arpaio


An average of 47 inmates die each year while in Joe Arpaio's custody. Arpaio calles these deaths "Isolated Incidents". When in fact these deaths were caused by DOC offcier / inmate altercations.

Joe Arpaio has too much power for a sherrif, he is in charge of $231.2 million dollar budget! Eluded audits, currently is sending money out of the U.S. But nobody knows why?

Female inmates are constantly abused by Joe's staff at early August while in Estrella jail, a than regnant inmate was going into labor, he cries for medical atention were ignored, subsequently that inmates baby died in her cell. Never getting any medical attention until 2 hours after the baby was born.

Joe Arpaio is a modern day Hitler, with his make-shift Nazi like camps he parades himself around as a teflon don, a made man of sorts.

Joe Arpaio, if you are reading this, I want you to know that inmates are humans, they deserve food and water. They deserve to be treated better than the dogs you so protect. Bye the way, you are not an untouchable. You are NOT God. You are in fact a beacon of hate, torture, and self promoting trash. May your wife die a horribly slow death from cancer, may your children be murdered in the same fashion you have murdered others.

You are not immortal!
Burn in h*ll joe arpaio - drop dead, you wisted killer.

Company: Joe Arpaio
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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