Journey Pass
This Company Charges You Even If You Don't Have Any Contact With Them


I received my credit card statement and there was this company, Journey Pass. They had billed me $99.00. I called my credit card and they told me they had billed me before this for $4.95. I told them I did not know who they were and had never talked with them. The credit card gave me their number and I called. They said it was after hours and if I was not making a reservation they would charge me $18.00 for the call. I waited until they opened and called again. Someone picked up the phone after their automated answering service got through. I could hear people talking in the back ground like they were at home. They then dropped the phone and I could hear someone scrambling to pick it up. They finally answered. I ask what this was and they said they were a travel agency that my husband had signed up for. I ask him earlier and he said he didn't know anything about it. Well, my husband and I have never flown and we have never been on a cruise. If we travel we always took our RV. I asked if she would refund my money and she said no she would not. She said the deadline ended June 23. I said how could I cancel when I didn't even know anything about this company. She said some packets were sent to us. My husband who was on the phone at this time told her he had not received anything from them at all. I called and filed a dispute with my credit card company and ask for a new credit card number. I don't know how they received my credit card number without my knowledge. Always check your credit card statements because you might be sorry if you don't. I will from now on. This place is a rip off and a fraud.

Company: Journey Pass
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Maitland
Address: 2600 Lake Lucien Drive Ste
Phone: 4076607800
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