North American Membership Group/The Connections
Non Profesional scam artist that take your money with and without your permision!


N A M G-North american marketing group - These people sign you up for memberships Just for looking at their web sites to 12 different clubs. Also they buy mailing lists and solicite you and you have no clue as to how are why.

I am an ex employee of the connections call center in jamestown Ny and They are in cahoots to rip you off. Canadians beware - They are still using converstions from several years ago which bills you for almost double what the membership costs. They send you books that you don't ask for. The firts one will come with a return label. After you have excepted the book the next ones will arrive shortly with no return label that you are expected to pay for the return shipping.

As if this is not enough and you are finally fed up with getting these books you can call their customer service number and have the books stopped but again beware they are now going to add your name to a list that will allow you to recieve un ordered items that you have to pay for or return. At your cost, Of course.

Lets discuss product testing that is offered to the member - sure you will get a test product but what you are not told is that its one a year or every 9 months. That also is not a gaurantee to get the product due to unfortunate events such as convienantly the manufacturer has run out or no longer offers the product. It has also been reported that the accounting office has a bad habit of removing money from your checking account without your permision. Don't worry you will know when you gett the overdraft or your monthly billing statement. YOUR credit card info is Kept on file when you speak to the rep for customer service be sure to tell them that all you are intersetd in is the magazine and wish to recieve nothing futher except the magazine. This will make them code you account so that you will not recieve stuff you did ask for. Take it from an ex employee that could not morrally work for a company like this!!!

Company: North American Membership Group/The Connections
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minnetonka
Address: 12301 Whitewater Drive
Phone: 7164833436
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