Probably wouldn't make it to their own funeral


I worked at this company. What a disaster the local office is in the way that it is run. I have never felt so terrible for the customers. The service department at the time was ridiculous. Customers would call to schedule tank sets and this could be done up to 3 weeks in advance due to the back up from the lack of employee initiative.

These people would do without heat during this time then the schedule would get discombogulated because people would not show up to work or would be too lazy to do it. "Well, I can't do everything." I heard that more than once. Appointments scheduled three weeks in advance would be changed and the customer given no notice. Run away, if you need heat. You would have better luck with a space heater.

Company: Amerigas
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Panama City
Address: 1832 E 3rd Street
Phone: 8507636511
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