CTS Holdings, Pipeline
Total rip off, scam, came out of the blue. Alpharetta Geogia


I really don't even know where to begin. About 4 months ago I received a charge for CTS Holdings and another from checkcare checkcare. I had absolutly no idea what either charges were. I called my bank and they hadn't a clue because there is no phone number or address associated with the charge. I never heard of this company and hadn't the slightest. I blew it off thinking they were charges from my car insurance company because I had just signed up for automatic withdrawel.

Well another month passes and yet again I am hit. I call my insurance company because I received a bill in the mail saying I owed for the month before... So who the hell is CTS? I called the bank... They researched it farther and found a number. I called and after given 4 different numbers I get ahold of charge.com. I've never signed up for this, no idea what it is, just dumb founded. So I told the man to cancel it and he said sure not a problem. He put me on hold, came back on and said it was done, no more money should be taken out.

I never use my bank account and to my surprise when I check it 2 months later... This company has continued to take money from me. I called my bank, they gave me the number again and again I call. I spoke to a "manager" and she says, oh no you can't cancel by phone you have to fax. I told her I never signed up for anything and that this is rediculous... So I fax and threaten to take them to court for the 300 dollars they owe me. Well guess what... Even after the fax, they hit my account for the past 5 days, causing my balance to be negative 510.75 so far.

I called today and she said, yes we've received your fax, it's canceled and I explained that they are still hitting my account. An account I never authorized. I'm fuming. I contacted my bank and I'm doing a dispute, however I can not close my bank account until the investigation is complete so in the meantime, I still get charged for each hit and a daily fee for being in the negative. When I called charge.com today, they said they will not refund my money, and "to do what I have to do" when I asked to speak to a superviser I was transferred to a dial tone. So angry I could scream!!!

Company: CTS Holdings, Pipeline
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Po Box 1101
Phone: 8777540530
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