Erin Sol International, Jarlath O'Malley
Torrevieja, Do not purchase from this man! Unscrupulous and unethical!


I agree completely with the negative comments left by other people. I have first hand experience of the dirty dealings of Jarlath O'Malley. I am unfortunately an ex-employee of Mr O'Malley.

I worked for him for a few months and it soon came to light what an unscrupulous nasty man he is. As well as being a nasty person to deal with if you are interested in purchasing a property he is also a nasty employer. I was fooled by his smooth talking and thought when I first started that he was an over-worked, over-stressed hard working man but he is simply a lazy, greedy pig. He rarely answered the phone to anyone who had bought from him because basically everyone who purchased was unhappy as soon as the sale went through, because he had the money and thats all he cared about.

When trying to persuade people to buy, he would promise 10 months rental a year, with the ability to cover mortgages and have enough money to go on an expensive holiday. He put HUGE amounts of commission on the price of property ensuring that he was earning a very sizeable commission. He also sold properties to his family members who were equally mistreated and were promised the 'dream' but were living the 'nightmare' of a property which sometimes wasnt what they thought they were buying, not getting anywhere near the rentals they were promised nor the active help of Jarlath when it came to selling the properties which were on their books.

I knew of a relative who had purchased from him and had been treated so badly - this was a person who needed all the rentals possible to coverage his mortgage, which Jarlath said he would have no problem doing. However Jarlath would not put any rentals the way of this man who was desperate to sell and Jarlath wasnt bothered about helping. This was a family member! He would not even accept calls from this person!

I could tell some more stories but I think here I have given a good indication of what kind of a person he is. I cannot find his website so I wonder what has become of Erin Sol International. Maybe he is now getting what he deserves for being such a swine to so many people who put their faith - and hard earned money in him in hope of finding their dream home.


Company: Erin Sol International, Jarlath O'Malley
Country: Spain
City: Alicante
Address: Torrevieja
  <     >  


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