AmMed Direct/Better Care
AmMed Direct/Better Care Lying to Seniors about medication!


This company is the worst: They lied to my 75 year old mother & illegally tried to take over her prescriptions! First they call to be all sweet, then without her permission, they called her doctor to take over her medical prescriptions only for THEIR full-fillment at THEIR company. Then they send the Diabetic Meds, at no request, they said, well, you can't get out of this, and she could only send them back thru THEIR random courier... She had to wait all day for courier to arrive & she did return the items...

STILL this company continues to call and hassle my poor Mom about they money she owes. When she never even ordered a single thing! THEY are the ones who made the order, but they are making up that she ordered something that she never did! She was just inquiring about services, and BOOM! They called up her doctor & lied that she authorized this when she NEVER did! Had NO Idea they were doing such!

This is a big-time SCAM onto the seniors, so beware. My Mom is a very intelligent teacher with a full-time job, and never easily scammed, but this Co. Is very evil!
It is unreal the way they gained such easy (and illegal) access to her doctors and this Co. Just easily scammed & called up to take over all the prescriptions!

This company, AmMed Direct has caused my poor mother weeks of torment and fear with their scary phone calls too! Now they are hassling her for something she never ordered! She got the stuff she never ordered, sent it back according to their very weird company delivery standards... And now... They continue to hassle her very cruelly!

This Co. Is the most evil of all time! Please, if you know what's good for you, stay very very far away!

Best Wishes

Company: AmMed Direct/Better Care
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Antioch
Address: 5720 Crossings Blvd
Phone: 8777832177
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