The Secret Society
In Grove City Ohio Scammed by the Great Secret Soceity


I received the wonderful letter from the so called Secret Society claiming that I am such an amazing individual and I am very gifted. Well - no kidding people - I am 21 years old, raising a child by myself, working full time, and supporting an incarcerated husband and barely having money for bills. I guess I'm gifted because I work my ass off every day - thanks for the 411. I new this was a complete scam because from what I got from the booklet is that some people recieved these amazing secrets for free... Umm excuse me? And I need to pay 139.00 for this life changing info? Let me go ahead and work some extra hours and maybe buy less diapers or food for my child for someone to tell me a bunch of crap about being successful. To me being successful means providing a good life for my child which I am doing. What is sick about the booket is that it focuses on money, power and love. I am Christian and to me, the true happiness in life comes from having a relationship and faith in God. I will be damned if someone tells me that with millions of dollars and people that one attracted - a person will find true happiness. Please people... I have waisted an hour of my limited time to read the garbage filled brochure. Long story short, Dear Secret Society - get a real job just like everyone else. I doubt that being a scam artist is what your mother taught you to do. I'm sure you're still secret is because if all the scammed people knew who you are you would get suied faster than you can print another copy of your great brochure. To all victims of this dusgusting scam - stay away from this company. The bible is free so why should anyone pay for these amazing secrets? I will personally try to use this brochure to clean my cat's toilet (I hope my cat won't be offended - he doesn't like garbage)

Company: The Secret Society
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 3357H Southpark Place
Phone: 7754126016
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