CEC Solutions
Rude Customer Service, Hang up on Customers, Faxes sent over are never received by company, Never get a supervisor


My situation is that I have made over $800.00 in payments & still making payments to this Company & every time that I call or my my fiance calls for me this company gives me the run around. The 1st time I experienced problems because they said my information I provided was not accurate my fiance called for me (since I worked offshore at that time I had no signal to call them myselves), the represnative that she spoke with was very rude with her.

Every time we have dealt with this compay you are on hold for almost an hr before someone gets on the phone they either get snobby or also we've experienced hang ups on their end. Finally after a few phone calls we got a hold of a supervisor & thought that we had everything taken care of & was supposed to get our computer shipped to us during the 1st week of July & never received the computer.

We moved to FL & asked if we could change our address for delivery purposes & were told to fax over info showing our new address (since the warehouse had a delay & could not send out our computer) well on the 15th or 16 of July I faxed over the neccessary information that was asked for & we just got a hold of someone & was told they never received a fax & that we never sent one. That we need to refax the information all over again & to call within 72 hrs because it takes that long on their end to receive a fax & now not only that they want a copy of my driver license again a copy of the utility bill & other information that was sent in the first place.

I have asked nicely for either they send me back my money or that they send me my computer or I would report them to the Better Business Bureau & all I get in response is yes we will send you your computer very soon & still nothing! I have tried asking for a corporation phone # & get no response. I have tried on multiple occassions to get through to these people but get nowhere! All I receive is either you need to send this info or fax this info then we will get you a confirmation date that doesn't mean I will receive the computer it just lets me know when it is supposed to be shipped out from their warehouse. I am either going to get my computer or I will get my money back!

Company: CEC Solutions
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: McLean
Address: 8200 Greensboro Dr
Phone: 8667474119
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Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo promised me a computer, software and a printer and I paid $2,178.00 and to this day has never received anything. When I call I continually get the run around. Ripoff

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Blue Hippo Funding
Ripoff, no credit check computer scam, bi-weekly payments for nothing, Never receive the computer that you are paying fo

Consumer Report

Unfullfilled promises, made payments will not ship computer, expected more, very disappointed, being disrespected, feel as through money has been stolen from me, and i was decieved and lied too

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