Work at home envelopes


I paid them the inital fee of $37.94 all i received was a letter saying that it was my first parcel but it was only a letter giving me information and also my transaction id i believe many college students like me fell for this company and all they did was take our money

Company: Alaris
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Loveland
Address: 1437 N. Denver Ave #126
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Alaris Aka Envelopes At Home
Alaris Alaris Alaris, took my money and I got nothing! I Do Not Know

Envelopes At Home
$37.94 Dollar Scam

United Sales And Book Publishing
Ripoff Sent a letter saying I would get paid to stuff envelopes if I sent money and sent nothing

Changed name from Alaris to Xeppa

Maxwell Gates Enterprises
Stuffing envelopes scam

EnvelopesatHome - Alaris
Work-at-home ripoff

United Sales & Book Publishing
Homebase Business Stuffing Envelopes ripoff

D.B. Associates
Rec'd letter offering money to work at home stuffing envelopes. Sounds too good to be ture. $10.00 per letter stuffed and mailed. Ripoff

Alaris Envelopes At Home
Charged me a setup fee, never heard from them again

Direct Cards
Work At Home Scams I was ripped off about 10 years ago by this company Here they are trying again I almost fell for it Ripoff