Gary Demotts
Cheater and Online Scammer... Owes me over $4000 in loans


I met this guy on, a dating website. On there he goes by PlayswellwithothersWI He failed to tell me that he had a record and he also failed to tell me that he had a girlfriend. I found out today by doing a google search because some of the things that he said to me did not add up. He also contacted via yahoo and myspace as well. Evidently Mr. DeMotts has a history of scamming individuals and not just women. I contacted an individual that he owes money to the tune of over $3000. This was his former landlord who Mr DeMotts scammed by moving while he still had a lease on an apartment. I also found NUMEROUS court violations and found out today that he is on probation for writing bad checks. He says that he is going to be at a POF get together in August and I plan on steering clear if he is there. I also had a friend of mine from the Sheriff's department check him out as well and he told me quite plainly that I had been had. Evidently Mr. DeMotts has a history of ripping people off. He lied to me about how he needed the money for moving, child support, and other things. I agreed to loan him the money because he was going to be "getting a bonus" through the military. Well, he isn't even in the military and does this to get women and to get them to loan him money! I guess I was a sucker but dont you be next! Once I find him again, I will be suing him for the money that he owes me. On top of that he has sick weird thoughts about items I won't get in to. I am glad that I figured this out BEFORE I lost more money to his sick scam. I guess a part of me felt sorry for him and all his "bad" luck with women. I now know that he was married before and also has a domestic assault charge that was actually dropped in 2005. I think from now on, I will meet people on my own rather than trust someone online to be honest!

Company: Gary Demotts
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Medford
Address: 824 Impala Drive #7
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