Gary DeMotts
Scamming mechanic

Cars & Transport

This man offered to fix my car for a fraction of what I would have had to pay.instead I ended up paying almost three times what I would have to fix the damage that he the meantime he had my car for over two weeks and many people saw him driving my car around town and to his place of work. When I confronted him about this he and his girlfriend Kelly Dahlberg denied this until I threatened to call the police about theft. I was later informed by a friend of mine that he does not even have a license and has had his license suspended.

All in all, work done on my rotors and a bad oil change as well as a basic tune up ended up costing well over $4500 due to the damage that he incurred. I have tried numerous times to get a phone number and also found out that he is no longer working for Weathershield in Medford. Evidently he was scamming them as well.

My suggestion is that you should not use him for any automotive work that you need done. The check that he gave me to cover the gas that he used in my car when he was driving it around also bounced. He only offered the check AFTER I threatened to call the police. I plan on filing a claim against him in small claims but I doubt I will see any that.

He owes over $6,000 in civil suits against him as it is according to the WI Court Access Website. If he offers to give you a good deal, RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN! For all the ladies out there be aware that he will also act a bit too friendly while trying to scam you. He even mentioned something about dating me when I approached him intially about the car and then I found out that he had a girlfriend. Yuck! He also tried telling me that he learned what he learned in the Army. To that I say... Wow we need to find out what they are teaching these kids. I also found out that he uses that to get women as well.

Company: Gary DeMotts
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Medford
Address: 824 E. Impala Drive Apt 7
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