Tradesmart Technologies. & D11 Enterprises PTY Ltd. Robert Anderson
Fraudently use of a document to action transactions not authorised, therefore breaching banking regulations and credit act. Queensland 4064


Robert Anderson, Matt Marshall, Alex Wade (and other personal) all promoted Tradesmart Technologies PFD Plus Program as legitamate sports betting programe with impressive brochures, website, documents, emails and phone calls, all backed by a written Full money back Guarantee. All very professional and convincing.

When I finally agreed to purchase the software package, I covered very specifically in writing on 9/4/08 how I propose to pay in 4 instalments and that I would complete a separate "PED Plus Contract of Payment Form" for each payment and email to them on dates as stated in my email. On the 10/4/08 I again covered in writing the terms and conditions of my giving them my credit card details. On the 10/4/08 they accepted my terms and conditions by a email from Alex Wade and confirm by Robert Anderson in a subsequent phone call.

I submitted two Authorised payment transactions on my Visa Credit card by completing their PED Plus Contract of Payment form which clearly stated their trading account name, bank and bank account number.

In both payments I stated the amount of payment in Aud Dollars and provided my bank card details. The payments were of different amounts and sent on the day stated. Those payments were;

On 10/4/08 for Aud $1350.00.
On 16/4/08 for Aud $2350.00.

There was a hicup with my bankcard (there should not have been) which I did not understand when Robert Anderson rang me arround the 24 to 30 th of April and I stated I would check it out and resolve. Thankfully I was very busy prior to departing overseas.

When I returned there was a bank statment that showed my authorised payments had been altered to make payments in Euro dollars to Globalsoft Technologies in a bank account in Balbrigan, Ireland. Those payments were;

On 11/4/08 for 798.88 EUR, went out of my bank account on 16/4/08
On 23/4/08 for 2795.00 EUR, went out of my bank account on 28/4/08.

Tradesmart Technologies is the only enity that I have provided my credit card details to. Those two transactions that went out of my card were not what I authorised. I imediatly advise the bank and cancelled that card so it could not be used again. Thankfully with the un-authorised 2795.00 it was overdrawn as I strongly suspect other un-authorised payment transactions would have been action.

I rang Robert Anderson and he admitted the transaction as covered above. I told him that was not in keeping with my instructions and the authorisation given. He offered a plausible expaination which I advise was not acceptable. I followed this up in writing 17 th of June and again on 20 th June.

As I had not recieved my training, software programme, warranty, training manual or any service promoted and promised, I requested my money back.
My second reason for requesting full refund is that they had fraudantly used a document to put through un-authorised payments out of my account. I provided a bank account details to make the repayment transaction into and gave him a date to do so. I clearly stated what action I would take if no refund was made.

No payments been made, Robert Anderson or any of the other Tradesmart Technoligies personal will take my calls or answer my emails.

Having registered my complaint I seek advise who (what authority) I can lay a Fraud complaint with, Full details please.

Jimmy g
Upper Hutt
New Zealand

Company: Tradesmart Technologies. & D11 Enterprises PTY Ltd. Robert Anderson
Country: Australia
City: Milton
Address: Level 2, 147 Coronnation Drive
Phone: 61731055981
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Tradesmart Technologies
Rob Anderson grossley misrepresents their pdf trading solution Brisbane, Queensland

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