Globalinternetworks is a LOAD of CRAP! Internet


On June 9th of my father was researching ways to make money from home. He clicked on a particular website and was later contacted by a woman claiming to help him 'make ENOUGH money in the next 24 to 36 months to walk away and be DONE.'

He became interested and allowed them to bill $125 to his CC to start his business. After 1 or 2 calls, he realized this type of market wasn't for him. Me, being a single mom of 2 and penniless, I said I would take over for him.

The idea of being financially free, owning my dream house, expensive cars, lavish vacations etc. Which they CONSTANTLY boast about obviously appealed to me.

They give you leads in the beginning which are ALL BOGUS! Not a single one of them was interested. I had asked well how do I get my leads after the company stops giving them to you. I was told by my 'coach' that 'oh, don't worry about that now, we'll get into that later.' I did some investigating on my own and found that you have to purchase them at. 79 to. 99 per lead and you can only order a MINIMUM of 100 leads!

There's another hit to an empty wallet

They also encourage you to do online training and listen to ridiculous phone calls on how they are so excited, the money is phenomenal, yadda yadda yadda. Actually, it's not so much as encouraging, it's you need these tools to be successful. I kept saying, "I am so tired after one week of listening to these idiots say the same things over and over." I told my girlfriend it was almost cultish they way they were.

These people make you believe. They are very proffesional at being LIARS!!!

So I started calling around and got a hold of a particular company that they are affiliated with.

That is where I found out that my 'coach' unbeknownst to me, had set up an automatic delivery every month of beauty products for the fee of $75! Products that I had never heard of let alone be shipped to me every month!

I had also found under my 'office' in Globalinternetworks that an additional fee of $86 was billed to fathers' CC for Globalinternetworks Office Subscription. Where that fee came from is still a mystery.

I then tried to cancel my subscription and was told that they couldn't locate an active sunscription! Are you kidding me?

As of now, I am trying to make sense of this disaster. I am trying to get ahold of them to cancel and hopefully get some fees reversed. We'll see how that goes.

I have also made the decision to do everything in my power to take this company down, particularly, the Mastermind behind it all James Kenney.

More updates will be comin soon!

To anyone else out there who has been sucked in, I would love to hear from you!

Company: Globalinternetworks
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8003776962
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Global Internetworks -The Proven Formula Team -James Kenney -Bill Debrason
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Global Internetworks - Nuskin - Big Planet - Photomax - GIN Office
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