IK9 Privacy Matters
I never heard of this company until they stole $19.95 out of my account Norwich


I never heard of this company and still don't know who they are. What I do know is they got my debit card number and stole $19.95 out of my PayPal account.
I don't know who they are or what they do legally if they do. I don't think this was an honest mistake. I feel they intended to steal my money.

Springfield, Massachusetts

Company: IK9 Privacy Matters
Country: USA
Phone: 8779936264
Site: ik9privacymatters.com
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Privacy Matters/Privacy Matters ID
Privacy heck, they stole money from my account. Never heard of the company, googled them. Sherman

Privacy Matters
They stole money from me

Privacy Matters
Privacy Matters 123 Used my debit card with out permisson, I never authorthized the them to take anything Internet

Privacy Matters
Is a fraudulent company that steals money from bank accounts and credit cards. Hartford internet

Privacy Matters 123
Never even heard of this company

Privacy Matters
I never heard of this company until i looked at my statement from the bank. This privacy thing is taking money out of my account On Line

"Privacy Matters" ID And Credit Reporting Company
I have no clue who this is or how they got my debit card info but they are charging me

Privacy Matters
Stole 19.95 from my bank account

Ik9*privacy Matters
IK9 PRIVACY MATTERS UnAuthorized Charges to my Debit Card

Privacy Matters 123
Rip off, steal money directly from my account