Loan Shop Collections, westbury
In and out of my account and didnt even know them i beleive their from de. Nationwide


These crooks went into my account and took my entire pay within minutes of it being direct deposited. As of right now im waiting on my bank to send me paperwork so that i can reclaim my money. I hope and pray i get it back. I have not a clue who these people are. I have had loans like this in the past. Bout 3 to 4 yrs ago. And not one since. I did an online application, but not for a loan and it had some personal info so i guess they were able to hack their way in and get what they needed to steal my money. Im now broke and need a loan but i dont even trust my own bank beacause they allowed this to happen. How can they let anyone just come into your account and take what they want. I mean how did these crooks even get my routing info. Im lost and pissed if i knew where they were id be there staking out the joint and not one person who worked there would leave that bldg until they emptied their pockets of what ever valuables they had until we were even. If anyone has an adress let me know cause im tired of being stuck in the ass. They need to be stopped either by law or ill just take the law into my own hands cause sometimes thats all we can do.

Company: Loan Shop Collections, westbury
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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Westbury Loan Shop
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