HSN / Gateway
Fraudulent, unpardonable, unethical, redundant prank Florida


Ive been a HSN consumer since 1999 until recent events eradicated my liaison.in April I purchased Item no.: 321-387 Gateway Triple Core, 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD Desktop with a six month flex payment of $166.65. Regrettably less then a week of having this product, I experienced dead pixels on the screen; in addition, the monitor continuously kept shutting down. Immediately I contacted HSN customer service regarding the defected desktop assuming the desktop item would be substituted with the same device.

Wretchedly I was disenchanted once I spoke with HSN and Gateway concerning this defected item that in no way a liability of mine. When I phoned HSN, I was advised to take my complaint to Gateway. Phoned Gateway just to be told the insufficiency with my desktop was not severe enough for replacement. I was told to either purchase a new monitor or deal with the defects of the desktop!!!

Too, in the course of the conversation, Gateway representative admitted that Gateway sells the re-manufacturer machines for less than the new ones. With no resolution with Gateway, I then again contacted HSN petitioning a replacement. Per HSN representative, I was made aware I would receive a new desktop. Feeling relief, I sent the defected desktop back.

Dated on May 6, I received a correspondence from HSN stating it has come to our attention that during a recent conversation with our customer service representatives you may have been advised that a replacement item for the 22 gateway LCD triple Core 2GB RAM 320 GB would be sent to you. Unfortunately the replacement item that you requested is not available.

Please be assured that HSN is dedicated to providing a level of service that greatly exceeds our customers expectations. Despicable deception HSN stated on black and white when HSN.com at that moment and still show the desk top available. Last but not least, I was told by HSN my money would not be refunded until the desktop was dismembered assuring nothing was missing or intentionally damaged yet I was sent a defected device.

No words could articulate the calamity this inexcusable act has caused me. As mentioned, Ive been a loyal customer with HSN for the reason the flex pay advantages furthermore my loyalty and satisfaction of the copious amount of products I purchased from HSN e.G., Garmin GPS, several Lexmark printers, FUJI camera, treadmills, software etc.

Sadly I purchased addendums for the desktop I purchased from HSN and other retail sources in order to benefit and enjoy desktop. Now Im stuck with software that is non-refundable. Regrettably since I presumed I was getting a desktop for a long duration, I delegated my older desktop to someone in need. Now Im without!!!

Because of this deplorable, unjust and devious scheme hoax, this has transpired anxiety and relentless chest pain knowing this fiasco has hindered my business and funds. Each time I conversed with HSN and Gateway, I was greatly insulted and vilified. Sorrowfully I dont have the currency to outright pay for a desktop elsewhere.

Again, I took advantage of the flex pay opportunities. Now I must travel a distance to use someones desktop due to the fact I was encumbered by HSN and Gateway prank. While speaking with both HSN and Gateway, I had to ask were I being punked.

I expected a much higher level of services from HSN and Gateway, and I am quite disappointed and impaired from this appalling and inexcusable service. Due to the humiliation and stealing of funds that should have never occurred, I will no longer use HSN or purchase Gateway products. Sadly it only takes one person to eradicate something.

This could have been handled in a diplomatic manner regrettable that was not the case. This issue should have never aroused since HSN has a 30 day guaranteed return policy. Im sure my services wont be missed yet I had to expose you and others hard working consumers about the deception HSN and Gateway present behind close doors. Since I know my experience was neither acceptable nor justifiable, I will be informing consumer affairs, BBB, friends and family about this fraudulent, unpardonable, unethical, redundant prank.

Joe Harris, the representative for Gateway reiterates how Gateway has excellent customer services.in addition, HSN sale hosts add on how they personally own Gateways desktop/laptop and never had problems. I find that hard to believe when searching complaints against HSN, they are linked up with Gateway for the worse service and non-resolved legitimate issues.

I am now convinced HSN has actor/actress calling with phony testimonies while on air. I was speechless reading the numerous of complaints and lawsuits against HSN/Gateway for false advertising yet good stage-managing that lead a consumer like myself to believe HSN/Gateway stand behind their products. Now I must reiterate to HSN/Gateway I no longer have a computer or funds due to their fabrications.

I am requesting a letter of receipt of this letter and a resolution to this horrific disguise. You may reach me at or the above mailing address. I would give an e-mail address, however, I no means or e-mailing currently.

Mrs. B.
Brookhaven, Pennsylvania

Company: HSN / Gateway
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.hsn.com
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