Junk PC

Electronics and household app.

I purchased a Gateway Desktop computer in February. It has had numerous problems, including spontaneous shutdown, spontaneous rebooting, failed booting, numerous instances of "Blue Screen". It has been sent for repair three times. The first time, Gateway "repaired" the mother board and replaced the power supply. The second time, Gateway replaced the hard drive and reloaded the OS. Since none of their repairs solved the problems, it has been returned to the repair facility in Texas for the 3rd time. I have little hope of it ever functioning properly. Do not buy Gateway!!!

Company: Gateway
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Augusta
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Gateway Computers
Computer is junk!

Gateway Computers
Gateway Computer - GatewayM465-E

Horrid Service Gateway desktop compute

Gateway sucks! Dude! I'm getting a Dell deceptive company the business that doesnt give a dam

Gateway Computers
Ripoff of length of time for repair and where repairs are done, very poor customer service regarding customer satisfaction

Gateway Computers
Warning don't purchase a gateway computer

Gateway GT4024 PC Desktop
Lemon Gateway

MPC/Gateway sells JUNK - Gateway M685-E laptop

Gateway warranty - Gateway M685-E laptop

Profile 5.5 screen - profile 5.5 repair