Pressler & Pressler, Palisades Collection, New Century Finance
Brought accounts and lied about it, and would not show me any proof that the accounts were mine's even after I denied it


Pressler and Pressler, aka, Palisades collection aka New Century Finance is a lying, un-reputalbe company which I know for a fact pays off personnel in the court offices to take their cases. They have attempted to sue me, and I answer everytime and ask for proof and they have none. They have ruined my life, my credit, my health because of their unethical behavior. I feel that I have no win against them, the courts and judges are all linked with them and they know that, so that is why they go on doing what they do to innoncent people who are victims. They claim, that I owe Verizon, I am still a verizon customer, they claim I owe 2 banks, one of whom I still am a account holder. They are even harrassing my 78 year old mother who has suffered a severe cerebral stroke, and is just hanging on to her life... They have no morals, no scrubles and I cannot take them anymore. I will go to the President if I have to, to stop them... They can not keep doing this to people.

Company: Pressler & Pressler, Palisades Collection, New Century Finance
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cedar Knolls
Address: 16 Wing Dr
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