Connection 2000
Buyer Beware - Sleezy company


Like the others the lady that came to my door was plesant and I decided to purchase a magizine subscription from her. I knew better but did so anyway. Now it has been over 6 months and I have not a magazine nor my money. There was a time I could call the toll free number and with persistance (call, hang up, call back, hang up call again) that I would get a person after a while, I guy named Walter - what a liar he is - promised me my magazine by the end of the month twice and giving him the benifit of the doubt I waited both time then finally said no more I want my money. Well now Walter is gone from the company, supposely on a "family emergancy" and now I have been talking to Carla. Who says she does not even know what is going on and will take care of returning my money... Well Carla is as big of a liar as Walter - they are probably related and scaming everyone.

I plan on taking my complaint to the next level - I will call the magazine company and make sure they are aware. Oh and BTW - the subscription I paid over $50 for with this company only cost $19 with the actual magazine.

Don't try to call - now their toll free number is disconnect and the regular number - well the mailbox is full. Oh and if you look it up on the reverse number look up it is a cell phone that belongs to an individual. For $5.00 you can find out who but I figure I have spent enough money on this company/person and I am done.

Please beware - I wish there was a way of telling people BEFORE they were suckered into this scam.

Thanks for letting me vent and I hope to save someone else from this embarrasement.

Company: Connection 2000
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Rahway
Address: 750 Moses Dr. Suite 1
Phone: 7328744384
  <     >  


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Connection 2000 Inc
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