Galaxy Credit
"Ralph" Magazine subscription renewal fraud/scam

Education & Science

The other day I received an ominous message on my answering machine telling me to call a number and cited a "case number" to reference. They did not identify themselves, but indicated it was "urgent" I return the call. After two messages, I became curious and phoned the number. Somebody answered by saying "Galaxy Credit" and identified themselves as "Ralph." I said, "I'm returning a message from this number." He asked for my "case number" and proceeded to tell me I owed $240 for a magazine subscription to US Weekly magazine. I informed him that I subsribe directly through US magazine and my subscription is paid in full.

He then told me he had a "recording" of my "verbal agreement" to pay for this subscription. I told him I wouldn't be paying for it and he stated he would be turning me over to collections. I wished him Good Luck with it and he hung up on me. This is the 2nd time I have had to deal with these so called magazine suscription scams, so I didn't get too excited about it. I contacted US Weekly to let them know this company is operating a scam.

It's been my experience that even if you agree to renew a subscription and say "Bill me later, " the magazine company eventually stops sending the magazine if they don't recieve payment. My husband said he called the number to see what it was for and when he realized what it was, he hung up. He informed me that "Ralph" immediately called back and reprimanded him via answering machine that he did not appreciate my Husband terminating the phone call.

The very next day, I received an "invoice" in the mail from these people. I have done some investigating and found numerous reports regarding this company and specifically this clown named "Ralph" I have never had any dealings with legitamate, reputable businesses that don't identify themselves when attempting to collect a "debt, " harrass, threaten, and then hang up on you. DO NOT pay these people! Report it directly to the magazine they claim to represent. And if anyone finds "Ralph" or this company finally gets caught, I am sure there are thousands that would love to hear about it!!! Good Luck!

Company: Galaxy Credit
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Peoria
Address: PO Box 5628
Phone: 8777425300
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