Hackworth Trucking


This company has done many things that I feel are illegal and extreamly unfair. These people have taken food away from my children by not paying what is fairly owed to their employee's. They have run their drivers past the legal limits and told them to not log runs that should have been logged.

They have asked their employee's to drive unregistered vehicles, and vehicles that obviously would not pass a DOT inspection. They have ripped off many others and asked them to do the same things and it is time for them to own up to the fact that they are not treating their employee's in a fair way. They laugh at the fact that people they have hurt by doing this are now in a financial bind and they have the "toys" they want.

They are not hurting for anything but the people they are ripping off are and it seems to be a game with them. The more asking around you do the more you find this has happened over and over again.in my opinion these people have to be stopped, they are 2 brothers and they seem to feed off getting people to come in and trust them and then take everything they can from you and then take your money and not pay you.

This way they can buy the rest of the "toys" they want, but they don't think about you needing to buy your children food and clothing. They are mean and vicious people and they don't care about anyone but themselves. How can anyone like that live with themselves, what ever happen to be kind to your fellow man.

I don't want my children to live without their father because someone wanted to have a new 4-wheeler instead of doing the proper maintenence on their vehicle and an inocent victim should lose their life family members because of these people either. Something needs to be done about this but who is the one to get it done.??

Sandusky, Ohio

Company: Hackworth Trucking
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Clyde
Address: 101 S. Woodland Ave
Phone: 4195474669
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