Millennium Teleservices/CDG Management
Millennium Teleservices / CDG Management Discrimination against the disabled


I am a current employee and am being discriminated against because of my disability. I have provided doctors note after doctors note and they still want me to sign a medical release form which I refuse to do unless it is to a medical practitioner I am currently seeing.

I need a schedule accommodation which according to Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act I am entitled to with a doctors note. I do not have to tell them anything about my disability even though it is quite obvious and I have worked there as it has progressed. I walk with two canes and need a knee transplant but am too young for one. There are days I am unable to walk and I am on Morphine for pain which makes me very ill at times.

They want to speak to my doctor to verify he wrote the doctors note and I was willing to give them my doctors number because he said he would indeed confirm he wrote the note and that was the accommodation needed but they refuse. They want a signed medical release. They become very hostile when I tell them they are in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I don't know what will happen now, but I believe they will deny my accommodation because I refused to sign the medical release. They have begun the same thing with another disabled person who has had a special schedule for over 5 years. Again, they want this person to sign a medical release.

Beware, you may think the money is good, it isn't worth the stress of what you go through simply to phone solicit, and I am not talking about from the people you call. To people who would do business with a company willing to discriminate against the disabled and to turn a blind eye to many of our customary day to day practices is sickening.

I work there because I can barely walk and that limits what I can do for a living. I have to be unemployed for a year to apply for Disability and I cannot support my daughter for a year with no job. I am caught in a catch 22 which will possibly be solved soon if they deny my accommodation.

Company: Millennium Teleservices/CDG Management
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Edison
Address: 425 Raritan Center Parkway
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