Lori Anne Pinkerton
Criminal harassment charges and discrimination of my being gay/hiv


I met this person in October 07 through a mutual friend. Lori is a single mother with six children; 18,17, 16,6, 3, and 1. She and I became friendly and although I have been a victim of ID fraud in the past, I kept this "friendship" at arms length.

She had me so convinced that she was a helpless woman who was in a domestic violence program and got $5K per month from some Victims organization at One Ashburton Place in Boston, MA.

In December, I started to have my credit ruined because she begged and pleaded that she had no money and need Christmas and winter items for her children. I am a fool, but also the type of person who will not see a child go without. I started using my Macy's charge to buy her children items and all I got was that her $5K check never came, never came, etc.

She lost her home phone, so under a company I am an agent for I installed a landline in her home and she never paid me. It ran up to $300.00 and she never even bothered to leave me a note or anything. She lives across the street from me.

After spending Christmas, and they way she verbally abused her children, I could not deal with the stress, I left being friends with her.

On March 21,08, there was a fire in the Beauty Supply Store that was caused by a candle being left burning. Her apartment is over the store and I ran to make sure everyone was OK, I ran through her apartment and took her pitbull over to my apartment to keep it safe.

The firemen and arson squad were investigating the fire and one of the men who works on the police force, Officer Edward Noftle was the investigator. I mentioned casually to Lori that I thought Officer Notfle was "cute". I even went out of my way and called the American Red Cross because her second youngest son has bad asthma and the smoke could make it worse. I tried to no avail to reach people at the American Red Cross and it was hours later that they called back and by then, Lori felt "safe" staying at home.

On Easter Sunday I spent the day until 530PM with Lori and her children and her neighbors and their daughter. Lori was drinking after she already told me that she was diagnosed with some sort of mental problem but refused to take any medications. During the day, everything was fine and then she started drinking and started yelling at the children in a violent tone. It was 530PM, I needed to take my medication and I left.

Not even 10 minutes after I left she started calling my cell phone and just started leaving vulgar and harassing messages. I had Officer Noftle's business card and since he knew of the address, I called him and told him that I felt Lori's children were unsafe and she was drinking.

Officer Noftle returned my call and left a message that the children were fine and to "stop the annoying stuff" or he would charge me with a false police report.

Lori's messages got wilder and more harassing. She accused me of smashing a window in her Ford Expedition. She said that Officer Noftle "told on me" and said that it was me all along calling DSS and the police on her. Of course police officers can not just bluntly tell someone that information.

She called me again and this time I answered the phone. She said she wanted to go after a neighbor of her's and asked me to watch her children. Even though I called the Officer on her, she wanted me to watch her 1 year old daughter, and 2 younger boys. She went to confront the neighbor who called the police.

I was up in Lori's apartment and then she came up the stairs telling me I was in trouble. Up came Office Noftle and Officer Rossetti. Officer Noftle told me in these exact words "Do not call my cell phone, I am not your personal police officer. I did not give you my business card for trying to get a date or pick you up. It was about any information you have about the fire. I told him I understood and he stated... There is nothing wrong here (at Lori's apartment) and I have a master's and if I have to lock you up, I will, even if I have to make something up, I will" He then confronted Lori and asked her why if she stated to the police if she did not want me in her apartment why was I here. It took 2 or 3 times for her to answer the police officer and she just said "I dont want the drama and its just best that I left". So I left. But her calls did not end.

The next day she tried to file a police report with Officer Jason Marcus and Officer Dunn that my OUTGOING message on my cell phone was harassing. The officers heard it and it was not intended for anyone specific, so Officer Marcus told me that I can not leave harassing outgoing messages on my own cell phone greeting. I tried to report Lori's harassing calls and messages and I was told to leave the police station and "FORGET IT".

Company: Lori Anne Pinkerton
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Chelsea
Address: Washington Ave
Phone: 7815358870
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