Wachovia Bank
Bank charges overdraft fees with existing funds and i am working on a class suit against them read and contact me


On January 19 the bank charged my account $490.00 in overdraft fees but I had more than enough funds to cover the transactions. As I found out what had happened I contacted the bank several times by phone and in person at a couple of local branches. Every person I spoke to said the same thing: "the best we can do is give youa a courtesy refund of $150.00". Which I did not accept as I dont need their courtesy. They have to accept their wrong doing, offer their appology and give me back my money in full.

It gets even better. At one of the branches I visited, particularly the one located at the corner of Airport Pulling Road and Radio Rd in Naples Florida, I was talking to the branch manager about the problem when suddenly she rudely ordered me to leave the branch and threatened me in calling the police. Unbeleivable!!!

I bank with Wachovia since late 2004 but had my account innactive the past year and a half or so and had forgotten the reason that made me do so.in a letter I received last December the bank gave me until February to start using my account or otherwise close it. So I started using my account as of January.

Thinking about what has happened I remebered that what motivated my innactivity with the bank was that I had been hit by these charges many other times and was so upset about it I decided not use my account and close it. As it happens, time went by and I did not do so.

If I go back to my statements I am positive will find over $500.00 more in these absurd charges; which means I will be close to $1,000.00 altogether. Now that I see how many people are in the same situation I can imagine how much money the bank is making this way. Not a good clean way to make money in my humble opinion. Now, imagine one million people been charged $1,000.00 each year. Wow!!! This has to stop right now!!!

I have spoken with an attorney about it and have been told that if I can find other people with the same problem and willing to be part of a class law suit against the bank, we will have a good solid case. So to all current and previous bank customers who feel they have been wrongfully charged overdraft fees and have real proof of it, please contact me as soon as possible we might be able to not only get our money back, but to have the bank fined as well. Most importantly we will stop this abuse.

Company: Wachovia Bank
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
Address: PO BOX 563966
Phone: 8009224684
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