Prc Llc
Poor managment that degrads employees, and HR that looks the other way!


PRC the company as a whole may not be bad but when you allow someone that calls the employees F*ing Idiots to become a project manager it does not look good. I worked for PRC for eight months. When I was hired I was told that the company prefers to hire from within when at all possible, Promised I would be a supervisor in 1-3months since they were just ramping up in Colorado. Of course this did not happen. I was even passed over for promotions though I could do my job extreamly well. I was also turned down for other contracts within the company that I had experience and knowledge that would have benefit the company's performance on that contract. When I asked the HR head about why I had not even gotten an interview I was told "well they have there reason just let it go".

HR at the PRC Colorado Springs location was the most nonexistent HR I have ever seen. When you talk with your HR department you expect to get real awnsers. With this HR department you got awnsers that made you wonder if the people in HR had ever done that type of job before. Multiple employee concerns about the same and multiple issues were awnsered with "leave it alone", "let it go", "don't worry about it", and "I have to look up the number for you to call about that" (that you would never receive). The only time HR would do something about a situation is when it could turn in to a serious lawsuit (like a project manager that refused to you a homosexual managers name in a meeting).

I was fired due to tardiness or at least that is what they put on the paperwork. I found it interesting that they did this shortly after changing my shift to a schedule that as a parent I simply could not work due to having to pick up my children. I told them that I was not able to work that schedule and specifically why. I also wrote several emails to my acting operations manager that never replied to any of them. I would have to corner the acting operations manger to try to get an awnser, due to the fact that she would avoid eye contact and tell me that she was on her way to a meeting with different people. The only thing I ever saw her actually do was laminate things, cut them out and put them up on the wall, or rearrange pictures already on the walls. I told them that I could possibly work that schedule for about two weeks, but that I would have to leave early most days. I was fired on the start of my second week. A few days after this people who had the same issue due to children or school were offer a different shift.

HR refused to allow me to see or even sign my termination paperwork. When they appealed my unemployment I saw that there was a signature that looked nothing like my in the employee signature location. I will admit that I was not too smart when I did not go over my previous warnings and place notes on them I thought that I would have that chance with my termination paperwork if it came to that point. I was fired on the 15th for coming in late which was a very rare thing (this is what was told to me by my supervisor in front of witnesses). On my paper work and at the appeal hearing they stated that the determination was made on the 10th to terminate my employment. When I finally got a chance to look at the Termination paperwork I found that there were dates on there from when I had permission to leave early or miss a day due to my daycares' family emergency out of the country, my mother having to go on TDY to another state, my being sent home due to I was too ill to be there, and my children being so ill that they could not go to any childcare facility as per state laws.

Yet even though I got permission to leave from my supervisor and prescheduled what I could as soon I was made aware of particular situations it was counted against me. I feel that if I was given permission from my direct supervisor that I should not be punished for what I thought was correct approval. I am not the only one that has had this issue with them either there are multiple people one they had to take back they said they lost her final warning but in truth, they fired her for attendance while her child was in the hospital ill (once again the could be a lawsuit issue due to the fact she could document).

There are people who have been fired for telling the client what is really going on when the client is not there. I was told by a few supervisor that if you were selected to go to a focus group with the client if any of the management did not like what you told the client you were then on 100% monitor until they had enough they could fire you. I was a part of the last two focus groups held before I was the last focus group I was selected by the clients' third party adviser who had set up the contract between the client and PRC. Prior to this people were selected by supervisors and upper management based on who they wanted to fire and they were thinking they may want to promote. If you were selected as one of the possible people they wanted to promote they would tell you what to bring up and to try to keep PRC issues out of the conversation. I was told this by my supervisor prior to my first focus group with the client and was told not to share what he had told me with anyone else. At my first focus group I did exactly as I was told to do by my supervisor.

At the second focus group several other people and myself were asked by the client why we kept changing the subject off of PRC when they want to know what is going on within PRC on that particular contract. After the client bringing that up we advised the client of what we had been told in regards to these meetings. Those of us in the focus group then went on to explain the issues that we were having with PRC. I personally had had enough of the "Annie" treatment by PRC, the HR issues, and the name calling from our project manager. I advised the client that we were not having problems due to them as far as training. I advised them of the situation of our original operations manager being fired, multiple supervisors being fired, our HR issues, the name calling by our Project manager, knowledge of the money that the client provided to reward the employees not being used for that purpose, and multiple other issues that were affecting us as employees of PRC. After that focus group as we were leaving I was asked to stay and speak with the clients adviser in which I was told that I was the type of person that they want to see in a supervisory position. Yet even with this kind of a recommendation form the client I was fired.

PRC also allowed a supervisor to make a false statement in regards to an employee's fall in one of the bathrooms. Though they did call emergency services they moved the employee to get her in to a wheel chair to move her out to the lobby. The worst thing about this particular situation is that the employee was on a break and the supervisor did not attempt to find out where the employee was when they were late and had still not come back from their break. The employee had fallen in on of the bathrooms and had been knocked unconscious from hitting their head had someone been sent to look for them they may have been found before they crawled to the door used the handicap button and yelled for help. Also another supervisor at PRC took it upon themselves to go after a employee that was 1 min over their break and attempt to drag them into the building by their ear at which point the employee told the supervisor to "let go of them" and "get away from them" when the supervisor did not the employee acted in self defense. This supervisor was not repremanded or fired for this. Most companies that I know of if you physically touch an employee in this manner you are fired no questions asked. Though it maybe that action was not taken against the supervisor because the employee was not aware that they could file charges against the supervisor. The HR department did not advise the employee that they could or ask if they wanted to.

I know this is a long list of thing and I hope that people can understand it. If you are going to work at PRC be sure that you can ignore a lot of things or you only look at this as temporary.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Company: Prc Llc
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 6805 Corporate Drive Suite 200
Phone: 7192625607
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