United States
Usa's 12 million aliens stole my job! Nationwide


THE GREAT CORPORATE AMERICAN RIPOFF: The American Corporate Mentality goes back to the Founding Fathers of this country, exploiting workers as slaves was only the beginning. Throughout US. History, Corporate America has broken the back of the American worker time and time again with slave wages, and no benefits whatsoever; in many cases people are preyed upon by opportunists who have all the legal means in their corner. American corporations for over two centuries have abused the American worker in the name of the bottom line, Greed. Today's worker can expect to spend his or her entire life, slaving for the corporate machine, in the end run, once they, the worker is all used up, they are discarded like a piece of rubbage; With no benefits, no retirement, no insurance, and slave wage savings, its a combination for disaster. They, the rich, wealthy and powerful, currently speak of recession, saying we are either in or are going to be in a recession; Well let me say this! I have been in a recession since the day I was born! Iam sure the majority of slave laborers/workers here in America are in the same boat. Signed, slave wage earner.

Company: United States
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Phone: 2024561111
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Corporate America Ripoff
Corporate america slavelords & their political bandleaders

$800.00 Economic Solution: Throw The Bums Some Change., DC

Earthlink, Mindspring
Their overseas cheap workers don't comprehend the American language, Customer Service advertising is BS

Ripoff! Didn't have working truck, charged me anyways

Worldwide is an anti-worker, un-American wolf in sheep's clothing. Employee abuse

Bank Of America
(India) Corporate Treason, push Americas out of their jobs in American cities, and send American jobs to India

Onsite is another slave labor Temp Company

US Census Bureau
There should be a fine for workers who act like this

Med Depot, Inc Aka Medical One, Inc
Med Depot, Inc, Medical One, Inc This company treats its employees like slaves. NO Lunch, NO breaks, and I did not get my final paycheck! And the State of Missouri will not take any action abou this issue

American Express
AMEX Customer Service - Gold Card