Onsite is another slave labor Temp Company

Education & Science

Onsite KODAK and Heidelberg manipulate the labor market, In an effort to cheat people out of fair wages/benifit's

In an effort to cheat people out of fair wages/benifit's, companies like KODAK and Heidelberg hire temps for 90 days to 18 months. When the contract is up, they kick them to the curb and hire someone else (so on-and so forth).

They don't have to give raises, sick pay, benefits, or anything close to a living wage.

This works well for the share holders and CEO's that like to keep all the profit's for themselves. And since the wealthy support the polititions that make and enforce the rules, the common man has no choice but to take these "Slave Labor" job's - or starve. NAFTA is a perfect example of politition's screwing the common Americian. Over 2 million jobs have been lost thanks to NAFTA. And with that shortage (it's a man made shortage; created by our government) of job's, companies can pay people less and get away with it (the "take it or leave it" attitude).

If anyone is lucky enough to have a job, they need 2 to 3 of them to survive; unless they can get a grant to go to school.

And if you are not a foreigner/black/pregnant female; in most states you are not going to get any help with college. I am for equality; I am against "Selective Privelage".


Company: Onsite
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Rochester
Address: 30 Corporate Woods
Phone: 5853502700
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Geeks Onsite
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Onsite Temp Service
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Swift Transportation - JB Hunt - CRST - Panther Ii - US Xpress - Empire Truck Lines
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Allows Users To Be Exploited and Mislead and Spammed By Temporary Staffing Agencies and Scammers! Internet

Security solutions
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