Face To Face Technologies Scam
Is this a rip-off? They send I'd be sending magazines to a hospital


This past Friday, two teen boys came to my door selling magazines. Something I don't have time to read and told them so. The one who spoke the most said, oh these aren't for you. You can send them to American soldiers or a hospital or other places. He mentioned two children's hospitals I know of. He also said they are travelling all over the country doing this in the hopes of winning a contest.

I think I am usually pretty scam proof, not letting my guard down. Somehow, I got talked into purchasing a Family Fun magazine for Shriner's hospital. I got to wondering and worrying that it might be a scam. Of course, this was after they walked off with a check for $55. Now, reading your responses, I am worried I was ripped off. I read the back of the receipt which says you have three days, including Saturday, to cancel. How does one send a cancellation that fast??? That means I have to cancel by tomorrow. I don't know if I should try to cancel it or if it's real. I wonder if I cancel it by fax, if that would be accepted. The cancellation and refund policy are very wordy and hard to understand.

Company: Face To Face Technologies Scam
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Evergreen
Address: P.O. Box 67
Phone: 3038658363
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