Love, Beal, And Nixon
Improper Service


I was in court this past Friday because I filed for an exemption to a garnishment. Funny thing is the first I heard about the default judgement allowing for the garnishment was when I got that paycheck about 2 months ago. I looked at my case file, found out when I was served (which I don't remember) and checked with my during that time. Suprise, I was on the clock in another county at the time of service!

The debt they are collecting on has not had any activity (money exchanged since 1999) until this garnishment. I am unclear on the statue of limitations thing. I have heard that a debt owed is a debt owed, and I have also heard that after five years the debt becomes obsolete and uncollectible.

Anyway, the main reason I am posting this: I was not alone in the courtroom that day. Of the 16 cases on the docket, LBN represented the plantiffs in 9. Of those 9 cases, 5 cases (including my own) complained that they never were properly served to begin with. Makes me wonder how many other people out there that have had default judgements awarded against them because of improper service in cases involving LBN throughout the months/years?

Company: Love, Beal, And Nixon
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: P.O. Box 32738
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