Beware of Cashcall!


Well to start off DO NOT take a loan with this ccompany. To come to them you are obviously having money problems and they claim to help you but you will surely regret it. I took a loan out with them 3yrs ago, I was desperate and I thought I had no other option so I thought this would surely help me out. I made payments faithfully for 2.5 yrs.
This year I started to fall behind and thats when the non-stop phone calls and emails came. They would call me @ least 5 x a day @ home and another 2-3 @ work. They call me @ work when I'm not there because I work evenings and I told them to not call my job because you will never catch me there during the day so I get messages from co workers telling me that they call me and they are so RUDE to them. I don't understand why they harrass me @ work, what are they trying to do get me FIRED! Anyway their loans are rip off, extremly high interest rate that take advantage of people when they need help. STAY AWAY from them its not worth it.

Company: CashCall
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
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Don't fall for cash call. It will ruin your life

CashCall Inc
Legalized loan sharking and harrassment! Ripoff

Cashcall Anahiem, Ca / Fountain Valley, Ca. & Las Vegas Nevada
Cashcall, inc, cashcall anahiem, ca - fountain valley, ca. & LAS VEGAS NEVADA CASHCALL harrasing phone calls to my employer. Anaheim, Las Vegas

CashCall reps: Rude, Harassing, obnoxious, unsympathetic

Ripoff Unfair Collection Acts

CASH CALL, CashCall, Inc. 70% interest is Ridiculous! Harrsment calls

Cash Call
Misleading, harrassing, rude, untruthful

CashCall, Inc
Cash call, inc. Do not borrow anything from these crooks!

Ripoff interest is way to high Fountain Valley california

Cash Call
Unfair company that misrepresented themselves, the began to treat me as if I was less than human