Took money and recieved no product Staten Island New York


I ordered the monthly payment for ads on the internet and received nothing.
Came to this site and found out that they are a scam.

Company: Integiant
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


The Results Group - InteGiant
Wow! Sent money via phone to TRG when I Got site the name was Integiant

Shea Fashions
Ripoff took money, but sent no product

Borough of Staten Island N.Y
D.E.P., Staten Island Borough President, Does it take a national disaster to correct a long time local problem

Staten Island Nissan
No Downpayment read the fine print!

Ez Pass New York
Do not have to own a vehicle or even have a license to qualify for verazzano bridge discount

Staten island mall

Staten Island Nissan
Bait and Switch on Finance

Ripoff never received product fraudulent site closed down

Red Devil Performance A.k. a Steve Roberge Outboard Motor Parts
Red Devil Performance - Steve Roberge took money for services and never recieved the items
Email Blaster A Rip Off, False advertising, No refund, Negitive in BBB website. Staten Island, New York