Credit Line Gold Card
Took money out of my account after i cancelled and stalling with overdraft charges they caused


Of course my story starts out the same as everyones, I was trying to build my credit and this company called me with all them promises they did everyone else. The only difference with me is after I told one rep, Eric Hawthorne ID# 5196, to sign me up I kept getting calls from other reps trying to get me to sign up. After about the third other rep I called back and asked the status of my account and was advised that it was still pending. I then told the rep that that is good, CANCEL my request. I did this back around July 15 and on July 18th not only did $211.96 come out of my account, an extra $200 also came out. Once I tried to pay a bill and it said I didn't have the funds I pulled up my account and found out what happened. I will say after MANY calls and Many reps with bad attitudes I finally got back back $400.00, one on 8/2/07 and the other on 8/15/07. The only problem with that is they caused me two $30 overwithdrawel charges, One $30 clearing fee charge, one $30 fee from a company I mailed payment to before they took the money out and once it got to them I didn't have the money for so they sent the check back to my back, and they also haven't reimbursed me for the $11.95 that was supposed to go toward signing up for a credit report. Again all this started around July 15 and here it is October 19. I've have one supervisor tell me that there is a different company who mails out the overdraft charges, I've been thru being told that management changed so I needed to re-fax all my overdraft info because everything was lost, I've had one thel me he personally went back and show my check in a stack of about 200 and it was going in the mail right then, and I've had many reps tell me that they spoke with their supervisor and to give them a call back in 48 hours and an update will be on my account. After being told that about 4 times I called back today and the "update" read 'supervisor checking to see why overdraft charges haven't been paid yet.' And on top of all this, they have in their records that I've only requested $40.00. It went from $70, which it was b-4 this last check, to $40 in the same person's notes on the same day.

Company: Credit Line Gold Card
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 3665 East Bay Dr. Suit 204 #24
Phone: 7274435600
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