Kim Bond Aka Kimberley Gail Bond, Kim Maez
Visitation Sheets are Needed - please stop hiding and avoiding your legal duty


First of all, it was funny how I actually found this site. I was typing in Kim's name to get a phone number, since the one she lists is never answered. Imagine our laughter when we came upon this older post that appears to be about the Kim we're looking for. It was on adultery, which was fitting, but it was hilarious! I feel bad for the woman who had her husband cheat with Kim but it made for great entertainment so thanks for posting that.

Now down to business. If you know this Kim Bond, Kim Maez person urge her to do what is right by her daughter and fill out the visitation worksheets that were custom written for Kim when she went paranoid and insisted her ex was going to somehow kidnap her daughter or do something to her. This was utter nonsense and just a ploy for the attention-hound to take center stage when her ex got married. We understand that substances played a big part in her hostility so everyone laughed it off. Kim already refused her ex's insurance plan for the child, but we still do need the declaration of benefits and coverage as the courts will want to document what was offered and that Kim refused. Simple really.

Since Kim was also harassing her ex and his wife, and abusing their email, she was given a website to contact him via form that can be screened for obscene messages, name calling etc. She used the form once to again, harass and abuse the man, but she refused to take any responsibility or make a positive move for her daughter to visit her "father". Term used lightly since he's found out the child is not really his. Nonetheless, here is the website that contains the visitation worksheets and all info:


The phone number is always kept current on there and it is also a fax so that sheets can be faxed. If Savannah Yrigoyen will be allowed her court-ordered visit after 2007 summers not being adhered to, then Ray and his wife need to know if she is coming for the Christmas holiday. Rennovations are being done at the Uncle's home where they are staying, and if Savannah is visiting they'll move up that bedroom's remodel.

Kim does not respond to emails, she does not answer her home phone and she is no longer at the old place of business. No one has her cell or any way to reach her. Also Child Protective Services of Texas did contact the father's family regarding a call someone made regarding Savannah and her situation. The Keller Texas police Sgt. Was wonderful in helping Ray track down Kim after she fled from Florida to Texas without any notice. She claims to have sent the father her contact info via our website's contact form however we monitor the IP addresses that come through and the mail is fully functional. Kim lied about contacting him, denies visits yet insists that inspite of a DNA test, that Ray is Savannah's real father. If she is, then why all the drama and visitation denial? Why all the name calling? You get the point.

Simply, Kim got 'found out' and she's angry. If you know this person, you might tell them that these posts will NOT go away and they will never be removed. Kim was given since 2004 to get her act together and stop being abusive once her ex (whom she cheated on and left) got married. Savannah had a wonderful visit with Ray and her step Mom and apparently that added fuel to the fire.

Let it be known that Ray does not 'want' a visit per se, as he and Savannah were never close. He really wants nothing to do with Kim, however if she continues to pester about money before he finishes physical therapy from surgery and finishes his Master's degree, then the visits will continue also, at her expense, as it was before. There are reasonable flights from DFW to Honolulu if booked before the holiday. Ashley Maez the older half-sister is welcome to accompany the younger child, in the event that Kim Bond is paranoid about a brief week or less visit.

It is Kim's choice to remain in hiding and denial, or step up to the plate and allow her daughter to have some sort of father-figure even if it isn't biological. No animosity on this end, however we all have very busy lives and need to know if this child will be visiting. If you know Kim, tell her to go to the 'website' - she know's very well what it is, and complete the visitation worksheets. She is even allowed to say NO visits, but she needs to enter a valid reason why, not some delusional story, but an actual event or something that occurred that caused her to deny all visitation.

Telling Ray that Savannah "hates him" is not a good enough answer and is likely either made up by Kim, or Kim has lied to the child and caused Parental Alienation. If this continues, Kim will be put on notice, (as in Britney Spears' case) that she can and will be ordered to random drug testing. Drinking is going on in the home not only by Kim Bond the Mother but by the sister Ashley and friends (some underage) as evidenced by photos posted on the internet, showing this is not really a stable home. At least if the child visits a normal household for some time, she can see positive role models and see for herself that the man she knows as Dad, is not a bad person, that he is fine and leads a very normal life free of substances and nonsense.

Ray's number was left with Savannah courtesy of her school, but was likely confiscated by Kim as a means to further alienate her child. We hope Kim can obtain some therapy or go to a rehab so that she can think clearly about the impact this is going to have on her daughter who will be in high school very soon.

Thank you for this site. If one of your other user's pages hadn't popped up at the top of the Google search when I was looking for Kim Bond's number, I never would have had this opportunity to possibly help this child. If anyone knows Savannah, send her to the website referenced above so she may contact her Dad and step-Mom.

Kim Bond is listed under "DEADBEAT MOM" because she fails to provide her child with a contact number for the man Savannah knows as her Dad, which is something that should be done in the event of emergency. Kim is also a deadbeat because she commited bank fraud, opened accounts in her ex's name and defaulted, stole checks from her ex-father-in-law Ramon and stole all the money, her ex's too before sneaking away to her new apartment. She then skipped out of town on many bills and bankruptcy, ruining her ex's credit and making it impossible to afford many things for this child he never sees, that Kim harasses him to pay for. Kim Bond, since we're not the first people to post about you, take note and make changes in your life. The posts will continue, future employers, future partners may see these things and that's the risk you take for being a law-breaker and a mean-spirited person. Please think about your daughter for a change. She cannot stay locked in her room all the time, and you cannot hide the truth from her forever.

Company: Kim Bond Aka Kimberley Gail Bond, Kim Maez
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Keller
Address: 13345 Padre Av
Phone: 8174919281
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