Savannah Yrigoyen
Ray is not your real Dad. Here is a load of Truth


This must be confusing, but needs to be said. Ray the man who raised you until Mom took you away to Florida at 7 was not your real Dad. That is why your Mother was angry and said many bad things about Ray. Mom drinks a lot and uses drugs, you know that, and you also need to know that she does not tell the truth. Ray has paid thousands of dollars to your Mother for you regardless, however you were lied to, you were never given cards or letters your Dad and Rini sent, nor were you given his number or any way to reach him. The only reason for this behavior of your Mom is simple: 1) she knows Ray isn't your Father OR she was drunk and can't remember what happened, and 2) she was furious about not getting to take Ray's father's house in the divorce. That is why she had you in the first place, to force Ray to marry her (he was not married when Mom had you) and to hide the fact that you were conceived by another man, WHILE MOM WAS STILL MARRIED TO YOUR SISTER'S FATHER. That is a court record you can look it up.

A woman who knew your mother when she was a waitress in El Paso gave a photo to Ray of a guy Kim was with during Oct/Nov of 1993. You look just like the man in the photograph, he has long brown hair and he and Ray actually resemble a bit. Plus the man is also an artist and the lady from the restaurant heard he was living in or around San Antonio. He had also once lived in Florida. Very ironic that you moved both places close to where he was. Maybe Mom sees him still, maybe not. No one really knows your Mom because everything's a secret. She was lying to Ray telling him that your Grandpa (Her father in the Military) had abused her sexually and that's why she was up late. This was a lie to cover for the fact Mom was up all night on cocaine and was looking for boyfriends on the internet. Ray never believed the story, and as it is, Ashley's friend said that there's a photo of your Grandpa on the mantel of your fireplace. I don't think that would be there if he abused your Mom. She merely hated her father because he was strict. She hated James' father because he was also strict military.

Speaking of Military, Mom's friend and Ray's cousin Sylvia Carbajal is married to a military man, yet she gave your Mom urine to pass a drug test, much to the dismay of Ray who wanted your Mother to stop doing drugs. Ray talked her into the bank job so she might quit drugs, as Mom wanted to be a bartender at a topless bar. Mom drank and did drugs while she was pregnant with you, which was one more thing that made him wonder about her. If she loved him and loved you and you were really his child, she'd have quit abusing substances. She didn't care about you as much as she cared about having a child to collect support from. Getting pregnant would force Ray to marry her since he REFUSED to marry her after she begged. She begged Ray for more kids, he said NO, he never wanted any with her in the first place, and was disgusted at her drugging and drinking when pregnant. She then went to a hospital and had an operation so that she could not have anymore children. This is why she is very upset that Ray and Rini have a family and that Ray wanted more children with Rini. Your Mom ended up cheating on Rock the man in Florida, Rock found out and dumped her for a young girl whom he had a child with. This made your Mother even more angry and that's why she's so hateful.

I am putting this up for your benefit, and you can contact Ray or Rini yourself later. I am a friend of Ray's from a long time ago too. Rini was Ray's best friend in California when he was 18 and they have remained friends all through the years. Rini and I visited Ray at his house when you lived there. Things were NOT good between he and your Mother, in fact, he called Rini to come help him move your Mom when she was unconcious from doing drugs and drinking and passed out half-nude on the floor and had accidentally urinated on herself. He was trying to get your Mom into the bedroom so save her the embarassment of Ashley seeing her or his Father. Rini had been a police officer and checked your Mom's pulse, she should have been in an ambulance but Ray couldn't call one because your Mom would have been angry to go to detox or rehab. That is a fact Savannah, you can ask them yourself. You were a baby then, and had been in your room crying for your passed-out Mom for so long that your little voice was gone. Ray took care of you, so did Rini and they never told a soul about this because they didn't want to embarass your Mother.

Mom went on to do more drugs, she cheated on Ray, she committed fraud and forgery by opening bank accounts in his name when it was illegal. She took all of his money and left him with nothing but bills, in fact she stole months and months of mortgage money to where Ramon almost lost his home. Kim stole checks from Ramon and he and Ray have both filed police reports. Other items were found in the Morley house that showed Kim committed many frauds. She ruined the engine on Ray's truck before she left, demanded that Ray and his Dad buy her a car which Ramon did. She refused to pay Ramon back, and when she left you behind to drive to Florida, she bought a large amount of cocaine, a dangerous drug which was confirmed by the guy who sold it to her. He told Ray because he felt bad about it and wanted to apologize for helping Kim keep secrets about the amount of drugs Kim was buying. Mom got to Florida to be with the new boyfriend and that is when she crashed her car and abandoned it at a service station. The man there sued her, plus everyone including highway patrol was questioning why she abandoned a good car that could have been fixed. They think she may have killed a homeless person on the road and that's really sad. She was afraid of getting a ticket, arrested, and she would have for sure gotten a DUI and been put in jail. She would also have had to pay for damaged property. She can talk all she wants about Ray, Savannah, he doesn't drink anymore and hasn't since he moved away with Rini. He's never had a car wreck either.

Savannah, you and your sister have been lied to and deserve to know the truth. Ray has never once lied to you, in fact YOU told him some things your Mom was doing, like passing out with lit cigarettes etc. And drinking too much beer and rolling joints. You were in fact on the way home from the El Paso Zoo when Ray told me he was floored that Kim was rolling joints in front of you calling them cigars or cigarettes. Doing drugs in front of children is a big no no. You've never seen Ray do that, and you've never seen Ray passed out cold either. Kevin, your uncle, Kim's other brother is dead of a drug overdose, and Ray had to attend the funeral. Still your Mom never learns how dangerous that is, not only to herself, but to how it causes her to lie to everyone, steal and talk nonsense.

Mom's friends Christine and Dave Ferrell are also drug users and drinkers and they do not care about your Mother enough to tell her she's too old to still be partying and that it can cause her to die of cancer like her parents. If your Mom does die of drugs or illness, she's cut you off from Ray, the only other person you knew. Your only father-figure even if he isn't your real Dad. Ray's family isn't going to be there either, so you'll really need to depend on your sister, James and maybe your Uncle Mike Bond. Ray is in Hawaii now and it's too far to make trips back and forth.

In late 2006 a man who was friends with your Grandma (your Mother's Mom) got in touch with your Mother to give her some things that were left in Germany from her Mom. Your Mother was so paranoid about Ray, blaming him for things, that she lashed out and sent the man a rude email saying "he was really Ray with an anonymous email" This is silly. Ray got a call from the man who told him about this, and the man, your grandma's friend Gus was very disgusted with how your Mom reacted, and just wanted your Uncle Mike's number which Ray didn't have. Gus, the man was not about to contact your Mother again, so it's her fault that he gave away all the things that were supposed to be for your sister, you, Mike's kids and Debbie's kids. Also the oldest sister Gabrielle, your aunt had a different father than your Mom and there were some items in the box for Gabrielle from her real Father. She'll never get them now, because your Mom mouthed off to the elderly man. He was in his 80's and didn't deserve rude treatment. He is in Vienna and dying of cancer himself, though his neice can still be reached.

Do you see how stupid this is and how you got cheated out of some of Grandma's things simply because of your Mom's hatred for Ray and her paranoia? Maybe you and Ashley are like your Mother and you don't care about anyone but yourselves. If Ashley didn't help you reach Ray, then she is just as bad as everyone else. Shame on these people for causing you confusion. I was over at Ray's in Hawaii and I saw the website where your Mom wrote a threatening note to Ray, telling him you hate him. I hope that's another one of her lies, because if you do hate him young lady, you're only going to bring sadness and pain onto yourself. That man paid your way, supported your Mother and your sister and this is how you all treat him? I met you when you were really little, in fact, you met Rini once too but you probably don't remember. Don't make people ashamed of you by acting hateful. Your Mom is angry because Ray got a DNA test and found out you aren't his daughter. Kim got away with the lie because you resemble Ray a bit, but when you see the pic of the other man, you'll see even more resemblance, plus he is also an artist just like you. I don't think he even knows about you at all, but that's not a topic to discuss here.

Everyone hopes you're well and happy and when YOU are ready to contact Ray on your own, and/or Rini, they are not going to be angry with you. They understand that you were taken all over the place as a child, to Florida, then Dallas, El Paso etc. And it's not been easy for you. The woman who knew your Mom and knows her family had told Ray that it would be useless for you to confront your Mom about these things because she will deny them and do a very good job at making you believe she's telling you the truth. Kim Bond rarely tells the truth which is sad, but it's even more sad that you'll go through life thinking Ray is your Father and that he abandoned you etc. When your Mother moved to the El Paso apartment she never once contacted Ray to let him know where you were until a MONTH later. She then left you with him the summer she left not because she wanted you to visit, but because you'd be in the way of she and the new man she met. Ray wanted you to fly there with someone, instead your Mom made you get on a plane all alone. Rini lent Ray the money for a ticket so he could come check things out at your Mom's place and see that you were being treated okay and then you went to Disney World. Ray was broke, he could not afford the trip so Rini chipped in for your sake. You'd best be appreciative of how much those people cared, when your Mom was too busy with a new man to care about you. She didn't even care about going to Ashley's graduation in because she was too busy arguing with Ray and harassing him, trying to get Rini to send her money. Mom's always out for money because she spends way too much and also likes to harass Ray. She was calling him constantly for a while and that's why he can't trust her with a number. Harassment is not the right way to handle things, plus your Mom couldn't accept that she was not his wife and that she couldn't call him at all hours. Your Mother thinks Ray loved her, but this was not true. Ray never loved your Mother, he felt sorry for her. She was too old for him, not his type and he only let her live at his house because he felt bad for Ashley, plus Kim was lying about how bad and abusive James was, which was also another big lie. Ray was kindhearted to your Mother, but he never loved her and he certainly was not sad when she left. He's not mad at all Savannah, so don't let your Mom lie to you as if he's the bad guy. Maybe she wanted him to chase her, or wanted his attention but he could care less and seldom ever called her at the apartment or in Florida. As you recall he wasn't that much involved with you either, and the reason you didn't have a close bond with Ray was quite likely because he isn't your blood father.

In the end Savannah, Ray will be a friend to you, so will Rini. I may end up meeting you again as well if you visit, you'll meet Rini's cousin Shannon and all the kids in their big family. It was really too bad you missed many nice visits with Rini's family as the kids were excited that you were coming. The are all artists, and are really super nice kids. Everyone wishes you the best and hopes when you're of age that you'll keep in touch.
God Bless.

If this allows posting of photos I'll add them, or I'll get them to someone who will give them to you later. If you know Savannah and can impart this info to her, then please do so. Kim Bond can yell and scream and fuss all she wants, but she brought all this upon herself.

Company: Savannah Yrigoyen
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Keller
Address: 13345 Padre Dr
Phone: 8164919821
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